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Letter to Staff Associations about tenure of ad hoc teachers, 25.11.2013


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The President/Secretary,
Staff Association

Sub: Termination of some ad-hoc teachers’ appointment before 14.12.13
Dear Colleague,
It has been brought to my notice that some Principals are not extending the appointment of ad hoc teachers till the last day of the semester viz 14.12.13 on the grounds that the relevant clause 3.(3) (a) of Ordinance XII  is applicable to “temporary” teachers and not “ad-hoc” teachers.
In this connection, I am attaching a clarification No. CB-I/96/ dated 13th March, 1996, by the Dy Registrar(Colleges) to the effect that temporary teachers appointed on ad-hoc basis are covered by the above clause.
Please use this clarification to ensure that no ad-hoc teacher’s appointment is made to terminate before the end of the semester viz. 14.12.13.

With regards,
Nandita Narain

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