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Letter to Staff Associations re Workshop on 200 Point Roster, 5.12.2013


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The President/Secretary,
Staff Association


Subject:  Final Workshop on 200 Point Roster and issues involving its application in the colleges.

Dear Colleague,

You are aware of the fact that DUTA has held two workshops on the “Proper Implementation of the 200 point Roster” on 25th and 26th November. In these two workshops, a model for preparing a roster for  various Colleges of Delhi University was worked out, in the light of the GOI Policy outlined in various DOPT circulars. Rosters for KM College, Maitreyi College, Vivekanand College and Ram Lal Anand College were prepared on the basis of the model. The model for KM College is enclosed.
The third and final workshop will be held on Friday, 13.12.13, in the DUTA Office, at 11 am. Lunch will be provided.
Dr. D.K.Lobiyal, Associate Professor, School of Computer and Systems Sciences, and Liaison Officer, Jawaharlal University, will be present to share his expertise with us.
You are requested to attend the workshop and to send us the names of other representatives from your college who will be attending the workshop. Please send us the information about your college as requested in our earlier letter dated 21.11.13, which is attached for reference. Along with this, please also tell us the number of ad-hocs of different categories currently teaching in each department.
Preparation of the proper roster for your college is necessary for building up pressure on the authorities to implement the correct model instead of the flawed one brought out by the University, which is not only illegal, but unacademic and arbitrary, and will lead to great hardship for ad-hoc teachers of all categories. This may need to be followed up with college-level meetings on the issue to generate pressure. The role of Staff Associations in this campaign is of paramount importance.

In solidarity,

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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