DUTA Press Release: 18.2.2015


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DUTA Opposes Coercive Move by University to Ensure Participation in Antardhwani

The DUTA takes strong exception to the most shameful letter issued by the Dean of Colleges, Prof. Malashri Lal to Principals and Heads of Departments demanding of them to produce a large number of teachers and students as participants at the infamous Antardhwani festival (20-22 February 2015) to be presided over the Vice-Chancellor.

The following paragraph from the said letter dated 13 February 2015 makes clear the not so veiled threat the administration under the current VC has held out:

“It is expected that the principal of each college will ensure large participation of at least 500 students and teachers from her/his college at all times at Antardhwani throughout the period of the festival 20-22 February. Heads of Departments may similarly ensure maximum participation from teachers and students….Volunteers will be keeping track of presence from colleges and departments throughout the days”

Such coerced orchestration of cultural events has no place in the University system.

Delhi University has yet again ordered suspension of teaching in colleges and departments for two consecutive days, i.e. 20 and 21 February, on account of its festival Antardhwani. Serious objections on the funding of the festival have been raised in the past. The DUTA White Paper has underlined, among other issues, the fact that the large amount of public money spent on wasteful and ostentatious props like elephants, has no statutory sanction. While the MHRD has asked DU to explain this misdemeanor, it has shown defiance and utter disregard for public accountability by going ahead with the festival.

Further, the decision to suspend teaching is forced and unwarranted; it shows scant regard, on the part of the VC and DU administration, for the teaching-learning process. The tight semester schedule, within which teachers and students are struggling to complete the syllabi of courses, does not afford such a break. The DUTA finds it shocking that the university administration can continue the spate of arbitrary decision-making wherein teachers are not consulted on any such occasion.

It is also shameful that college principals have been ordered to herd students and teachers to the festival venue. This kind of diktat shows that Antardhwani is still being used as a platform to present a cosmetic face of the DU administration, replete with myths of good governance, skill development and innovation. Colleges and departments are being asked to fall in line and support this hollow image-building exercise even as the university community is seething with discontent at the host of anti-teacher and anti-student decisions. 

The DUTA condemns DU’s high-handed behaviour and urges the Government and Visitor to take notice of the continuation of misgovernance in the university.  

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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