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DUTA Press Release, 17 October: If the VC is not behind Fact Finding, then who is?


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DUTA Press Release, 17 Oct 2015

If the VC is not behind Fact Finding, then who is?
It is shameful that less than 10 days before his term of office ends, the VC seeks to give effect to a vindictive action against the DUTA President Nandita Narain. The DUTA President was asked on 14 October to present herself on 19 October before a Fact Finding Committee set by the “University” failing which the Committee “shall conduct proceeding ex-parte”.  It clearly shows that the “fact finding” exercise is  a sham based to establish a premeditated conclusion.
The Vice Chancellor now claims that he has not formed the Fact Finding Committee! We wish to highlight that this matter was never listed before nor discussed in any meeting of the Executive Council. No one apart from the VC or the St. Stephen’s College Governing Body could have ordered setting up of a Fact Finding Committee. 
The reply by the Registrar to Nandita Narain refused to reveal the identity of the officer under whose authority the Fact Finding Committee has been constituted. It has also refused to reveal the  composition of the said Fact Finding Committee. It also fails to provide the supporting documents related to alleged complaints against the DUTA President. In this reply, Nandita Narain’s request for two weeks time to respond to the complaints has been turned down. It has been reiterated that she has to appear before the FFCon Monday, 19 October 2015.
As per the clarifications issued by the Registrar’s Office, the Fact Finding Committee is to examine the veracity of the complaints from the Director, SOL and Principals of Desbandhu and Kalindi Colleges. We also wish to highlight that all the three complainants are either part of the VC’s team and/ or have enjoyed the patronage of the Vice Chancellor.  At least two of them have figured in the DUTA White Paper which was the basis of the show cause notice issued to the VC by the MHRD with the consent of the Visitor.
A Joint Protest against the vindictive action by the VC will be held by students, teachers and karamcharis at the VC Office on 19 October from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm.

C.S. Rawat

Vice President, DUTA


Secretary, DUTA


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