
Staff of St. Stephens’ to Resign from Voluntary Administrative Positions | ST.STEPHEN’S COLLEGE STAFF ASSOCIATION


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Resolution passed by the Staff Association in its meeting held on 1.3.2017    
The Staff Association of St. Stephen’s College held
an emergency meeting on 1.3.2017 at 1.15 pm in the Staff Room and
unanimously passed the following resolution:
The Staff Association of St. Stephen’s College strongly condemned the
threats meted out  by the Principal, Prof John Varghese, to two teacher
representatives on the Governing Body after its meeting held on
25.2.2017 purportedly for giving their dissent on the issue of
autonomous status for the college. It demands an immediate public and
written apology from the Principal to the two teachers and an assurance
that such intimidation will not be repeated.
The Staff Association notes with dismay that a petition signed by more
than 500 students and 30 teachers submitted to the Governing Body
before the above-mentioned meeting, appealing to it to defer the
decision to move an application for autonomous status until
consultation and consensus is obtained, was disregarded.   It demands
that the Governing Body takes back the decision to apply for autonomous
status  taken in a secretive and hurried manner without  application
of mind or consultation with stake-holders. It re-iterates that no such
decision on a matter that could change the very character of college
as a premier public-funded institution,  providing high quality
affordable education to diverse  sections of society,  can be taken
without in-depth consultation and consensus within the college
community of students, teachers and non-teaching employees.
The members of the Staff Association will register their protest in
the above matters by resigning from all voluntary administrative
positions as Staff Advisers of Students ‘ Societies and
Members/Conveners of Committees.
A requisition signed by 45 out of about 50 permanent teachers (who are
not on leave) for convening of an emergent  Staff Council meeting  “to
discuss the role , functions and rights of teachers in view of some
developments affecting the teaching -learning environment at the
College” has been submitted to the Principal today.
Nandita Narain
(President, Staff Association,
St. Stephens’s College)

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