
DUTA Executive Resolution passed on 25.5.2017


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DUTA Executive Resolution passed on 25.5.2017

Dear Colleagues,
The following resolution was passed by the DUTA Executive in its meeting held on 25th May, 2017.

“The DUTA Executive in its meeting held on 25 May 2017 takes stock of the resolutions sent by various Staff Associations in response to the DUTA letter dated 3 May 2017 regarding the action to be taken on a host of unresolved issues facing the teachers including absorption/ regularization of temporary and long-serving ad-hoc teachers, immediate start to appointment process and implementation of the correct roster, the push towards autonomous colleges, the resolution of the pension issue and last, but not the least the denial of promotions to thousands of teachers since 2008. The DUTA Executive also takes note of the ominous silence on the issue of pay revision of teachers and other related issues like the resolution of anomalies including stepping-up.

In view of the above, the DUTA Executive proposes the following:

1. DUTA Executive Dharna at the VC Office on the issue of Confirmation on 6 June 2017.     

2. Pen-down strike at all evaluation centres on 7 June 2017: The issue of promotions and counting of past service needs to be taken up on a priority basis at the university level as teachers denied promotions since 2008 are demoralized and dejected. This does not augur well for the University. DUTA should give a call for a pen-down strike at all evaluation centres for that day and a Public Meeting cum Press Conference be held at the Arts Faculty from 11 am to 2 pm to highlight the plight of the teachers. The DUTA Office Bearers must seek an early appointment from the Vice-Chancellor to press for resolution of the demand.

The DUTA Executive must take stock of the response of the University in a time-bound manner and discuss other participatory action programmes to find a solution to this long pending issue.

3. Candle Light Vigil on Parliament Street on 12 June 2017: On all the other demands including absorption of temporary and long serving ad-hoc teachers, resolution of the pension cases, delay on the issue of pay revision and withdrawal of API and resolution of anomalies arising out of the VI Pay Revision, the push towards autonomous colleges and assault on public-funded education in country, parity of librarians and OMSP instructors, the DUTA Executive proposes that a mass action programme be held at the MHRD. A candle light vigil at Parliament Street be held on 12 June 2017 from 5 p.m. onwards.

4. Press Conference on the issue of Autonomous Colleges on the eve of the start of admission process: The DUTA Executive takes a serious view of the move by the Principal and the Governing Body of St. Stephen’s College to surreptitiously push for autonomous college status despite widespread protests by students, teachers and karmacharis. The DUTA should hold a Press Conference on the issue along with the Staff Association of the college on the eve of the start of the admission process.

5. In case the matter of the inclusion of PE teachers on the reservation roster is not resolved, the Office Bearers in consultation with teachers of PE must decide on appropriate action programmes. 

The DUTA Executive should remain vigilant towards any move by the Government to impose any fund-cut or negative service conditions under the 7th Pay Commission or if any further development takes place on the scheme of autonomous colleges. The DUTA must respond suitably in the event of such developments to resist the assault on higher education in the country, especially public-funded education. “

In favour: 9
Against: 0
Abstentions: 5

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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