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DUTA Letter to VC reg. Demand for Urgent Resolution of Issues of teachers: 03.10.2019


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Demand for Urgent Resolution of Issues of teachers

Prof. YogeshTyagi
University of Delhi
Delhi – 110007

3 October 2019

Sub: Demand for Urgent Resolution of Issues of teachers

Dear Prof. Tyagi,

Teachers of Delhi University are on strike to protest your complete apathy towards the breakdown of academic and administrative functioning in the university and its colleges, and your total inaction on the issues relating to the service conditions of teachers. You have failed to discharge your duties as the academic head of the institution which is resulting in accumulation of unresolved issues. We have been repeatedly writing to you to draw your attention towards urgent issues but unfortunately there has been no response from you to any of our communications.

We once again list below the issues that need your immediate attention:

1. In our letter dated 23.9.2019 (copy enclosed) we have drawn your attention to the ill-consequences of the letter issued by Delhi University on 28.8.2019 as well as the New Guidelines relating to guest appointments. Both these developments are already badly affecting the conduct of classes in university departments and colleges and we hope that you are aware that more than half the semester is over without classes having started in many places. We demand the immediate withdrawal of the abovementioned letter and appropriate action on your part so that the process of making Guest appointments is not made unnecessarily cumbersome. Similarly, the callous attitude of the administration towards our ad-hoc colleagues in University departments is deplorable. They have neither been given the revised salaries under the 7th CPC nor any arrears. The inordinate delays in grant of approval and disbursal of salary to these teachers must be redressed.

2. Delhi University is perhaps the only university in the country where there is such a huge back-log of promotion cases. Denial of due benefits to such large numbers of teachers is cause for widespread demoralization for teachers. All issues related to this issue including processing of clear cases, counting of past services, the delay in notification of the Ordinances based on the UGC Regulations 2018, restoration of M.Phil. and Ph.D. increments have been brought to your attention through our communication to you on 16.9.2019 (copy enclosed). Your immediate action on this is required.

3. We have been writing to you immediately to stop the illegal recoveries from teachers on one pretext or the other. This harassment of teachers must stop.

4. The teachers of Physical Education in the University face continuous harassment due to deliberate actions on the part of the administration which is often sought to be explained as “oversight”. The recent development of keeping in abeyance Physical Education posts from the advertisements constitutes an attack on the discipline as well as the terms of employment and service conditions of the teachers. The frequency of these attacks gives us reason to believe that these are deliberate actions.

5. The University must also release payment of all arrears to pensioners and teachers without any further delay.

We hope that you will respond with the urgency that all the above issues merit in the interest of the smooth functioning of the university.

With regards

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA


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