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DUTA Press Release: 24.03.14


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Decision to Restructure Masters Programme Devoid of Academic Sense

The recent announcement by DU Vice Chancellor to effectively stunt the Master’s programme by a year is devoid of any academic sense. Determining the length of an academic degree programme through a system of credits is meaningless if the content covered in the programme is not taken into consideration. The DU Vice Chancellor has deliberately hidden the fact that most of the credits earned in the first year of undergraduate studies pertain to the school-level Foundation Courses that cannot be compared to theHonours-level DC Courses. As a result, completion of the FYUP does not ensure a greater number of credits earned in Honours-level courses. On the contrary, students do fewer number of Honours-level courses in the FYUP, as compared to the earlier three-year programme. To hence suggest that an extra year at the undergraduate level will compensate for a year of the PG programmeis laughable. That the Vice Chancellor can confidently make such statements without consulting the wisdom of the Departments, Faculties and Academic Council, shows how drastically the scope of academic decision-making in the University has narrowed down over the last few years. The DUTA has never shied away from calling the spade a spade and will not be deterred in opposing such arbitrary decisions that will eventually imperil the students’ future and destroy the academic standards of Delhi University.
President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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