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DUTA Press Release: 20 May 2020


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DUTA-DUSU join hands to oppose Online Open Book Examinations in DU

The DUTA and the DUSU joined hands along with several students’ organizations for teachers and students to storm Twitter and Facebook in opposition to the unwise and avoidable move by the Delhi University administration to conduct an Online Open Book Examination for the terminal year students.

The DU administration that cannot consult statutory bodies online to take a collective decision, that has not bothered to reach its students online to ascertain how they are situated and that cannot give academic responses to feedbacks received from the DUTA, University departments, various organisations and individuals is thrusting upon students a mechanism that is unjust and bereft of sanctity. The manner in which decisions are being taken in violation of statutory processes and disregarding the need for consultation and dialogue can only result in callous and horrendous moves.

The students have been away since the mid-semester break. They are spread across the country, in towns and in villages, some with books and some without, some with electricity and some without, some with internet connectivity and some without, some with laptops and pads and some not even with a smart enough phones. Teachers have tried their best to reach out to students and have reported that most students are unable to participate due to lack of connectivity, devices and conducive environment. Surveys conducted by students verify teachers’ feedback. The University administration ignores their feedback and assumes that courses have been completed through these online interactions.

The mechanism which the University is bent on pushing is one where students placed in situations of drastically unequal access to books and resources, offline as well as online, will be subjected to an open book examination. Even if we are to falsely assume that all students can download question papers and upload their answers, this inequality is a double whammy, given the reality of unequal access to online learning.

The online open book examination where students are at home has no way of preventing foul play. Who is actually answering the questions and with whose help cannot be ascertained. That encourages dishonesty and penalises the honest ones. A market for coaching business may most likely prosper.

The DUTA urges the University to desist from striking at the very idea of the University and to move towards a solution by engaging with students and teachers. It must enter the arena of exchange of ideas, answering questions which have been raised, solutions which have been advanced. And it must first have an online meeting of the statutory bodies such as the Academic Council to take a considered decision in accordance with rules. Seeking feedback and not responding to opinions does not constitute consultation.

The DUTA salutes teachers and students for their massive participation in today’s protest. We are committed to our students and will steadfastly pursue just solutions. The DUTA Executive shall meet online tomorrow to scrutinise various solutions and take a considered view. We are passing through difficult times we hope that the administration belatedly displays some wisdom and does not force teachers and students to the path of unnecessary and avoidable agitation.

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA

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