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Press Release, 8.6.2012


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The DUTA is aghast at the cold-blooded indifference of the University authorities, in general, and the Vice-Chancellor of DU, in particular, towards the DUSU representatives who are sitting on indefinite hunger strike to demand withdrawal of payment on online registration for admission. The demand of the DUSU is absolutely justified as there is a serious goof-up and aberration in the formating of online registration. The system shows that the form is accepted even before the payment is made. As a result, thousands of forms have been shown as accepted while only a few have deposited the fee online. This serious lapse on the part of the University is going to deny the right of admission to thousands of students. Moreover, online registration does not entail any expenditure on the part of the University. This kind of functioning defies all logic and common sense.

Apart from this dithering and dilly-dallying stance of the Vice-Chancellor, this apathy to ignore the striking DUSU representatives, in such hot weather, is deplorable. While DUTA extends its fullest support to this genuine cause of the students, it condemns the Vice-Chancellor in unequivocal terms for his inhuman attitude.

DUTA appeals to the Vice-Chancellor to shed his rigidity, display sanity and resolve the matter to the students’ satisfaction without any delay.

S.D. Siddiqui, Secretary                                                      Amar Deo Sharma, President


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