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Letter to VC, 16.7.2012


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The Vice-Chancellor

University of Delhi

Delhi – 110007

Sub: Unilateral announcements through the media regarding major academic changes

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above, your attention is specifically drawn to your recent unceremonious announcement in the media regarding ‘Four-Year Graduation Programme’ to start from 2013. It is a matter of great concern that, like your past practice, you have again rushed to the media with the announcement while no concept/ vision papers have been discussed in the Academic Council, nor have they been circulated in the Departments and Colleges. Neither is there anything available on the DU website.

It will be pertinent to point out that this brazen violation of the University Act, Statutes and Ordinances does not augur well for the academic health of the University. Not only that it is demoralizing for the teaching and learning fraternity, but also bringing incalculable damage and bad name to the University’s prestige and reputation. These changes in the name of ‘reforms’ in the academic structure of the University, in fits and jerks are destroying the academic environment of the DU.

And as if this were not enough, you consistently refuse to have a healthy dialogue with the teachers’ collective i.e. DUTA to sort out these complications in a spirit of frank and healthy academic debate.

Vide this letter, DUTA exhorts you to make a white/ concept/ vision paper available on your recently announced ‘Four Year Graduation Programme’.

An early action in the matter is solicited.

Thanking you,


S.D. Siddiqui, Secretary                                                      Amar Deo Sharma, President

Copy for information and immediate necessary action to:

Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi

Dean of Colleges, University of Delhi

Director, South Delhi Campus, University of Delhi


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