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Press Release, 9.10.2012


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With unfailing regularity, the Delhi University Teachers’ Association (DUTA) has continued to highlight and protest against the Vice Chancellor deliberately usurping all academic and executive decision-making powers, his brazen violations of statutory processes, as well as his unilateral and arbitrary imposition of changes in the structure of teaching-learning and evaluation in the University. However, it is shocking that despite widespread public criticism, he remains shamelessly undeterred in his overall intention to harass teachers, students and karamcharis and browbeat the entire university fraternity to accept his whimsical decisions. The drastic changes in examination and evaluation of answer-scripts, yet again announced to the media without any discussion in the Academic Council, may justifiably seem insane to the public at large but they also serve to aptly illustrate his egoism and the utterly deluded and directionless nature of his ‘reforms.’

The DUTA observes that while a bewildering overhaul of the academic scenario is being attempted within Delhi University, the rapid changes cannot quite square up to the complete cessation of administrative delivery and the VC’s absurd refusal to appoint teachers in severely understaffed colleges and university departments. This contradiction, coupled with the cowardly evasion of all and any kind of democratic representation, has created an environment of insecurity and despair amongst teachers and students. After a long time, even as the DUTA went ahead with its well considered decision of a one-day token Strike on August 28, 2012, the VC immediately ordered the Principals of Colleges and Faculty Deans to deduct salaries of those teachers who participated in the Strike. This has been allowed to happen despite the full knowledge of the fact that whenever the DUTA has been forced to go on Strike, teachers have compensated for the loss of teaching hours by taking extra classes. And yet, the VC-led University Administration has repeatedly intimidated and coerced teachers to silence all disagreement and dissent.

After making umpteen appeals to the VC’s conscience, the DUTA now feels compelled to up the ante in its struggle to defend the dignity of teachers as well as the liberal and democratic character of the University. In this light, the DUTA will begin an Indefinite Relay Hunger Strike from tomorrow, i.e. 10th October 2012. This action will not disrupt classes as the interests of the students are paramount. Led by the DUTA, the teachers of Delhi University have decided to communicate their anguish to the civil society and the polity by inflicting suffering upon themselves. This mode, venerated and morally acknowledged as ‘Satyagraha’ (the urging of Truth) is the only option available in a University where teachers are not being allowed to teach with any sense of ownership and belonging. During the entire duration of this action, the DUTA will make efforts to engage the attention of the public and the parliamentarians on the prevailing crisis in Delhi University. We invite the Press and members of the Electronic Media to attend the action, share in the spirit of democratic assertion and truthfully represent the legitimate concerns of the teachers to the society at large.

S.D. Siddiqui, Secretary                                                      Amar Deo Sharma, President


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