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Press Release, 28.10.2013


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A meeting of the DUTA Executive Committee was held at 2:30 PM on Monday, Oct 28, 2013. Following were the agenda:

  1. Representation by Dr. Rajesh Mohan, ARSD College, regarding withholding of retirement dues.
  2. Representation by Mrs. Aruna Kumar, S.P.A., ARSD College, regarding her complaint of Sexual Harassment against the OSD.

The DUTA Executive discussed the issue of withholding of Retired Teacher Dr. Rajesh Mohan’s retirement dues for almost six months in blatant violation of Statute 28 of the Delhi University Act. The DUTA Executive condemned the ARSD College Governing Body for withholding his dues and demanded that they be released immediately. The DUTA Executive also demanded that the pending enquiry into the financial decisions taken during his tenure as Officiating Principal be completed in an impartial and time-bound manner. The DUTA Executive resolved to appeal to the Chairperson of the Governing Body of the college to initiate the process for clearing Dr. Rajesh Mohan’s dues within a week’s time, failing which the DUTA will be forced to intervene through direct action.

The DUTA Executive also discussed the illegal and insensitive manner in which the Governing Body of ARSD College has tried to dispose of SPA, Ms. Aruna Kumar’s complaint of sexual harassment against the OSD of the college. The DUTA Executive expressed its dismay at the manner in which the University appears to be dragging its feet and did not intervene despite repeated appeals by Ms. Aruna Kumar and the Delhi Commission for Women. The DUTA Executive demanded that a proper statutory enquiry in consonance with Ordinance XV-D be constituted by the University Apex Committee to enquire into the complaint of sexual harassment against the OSD. Further, the DUTA also resolved that the OSD be suspended forthwith pending such enquiry as per the requirement in Ordinance XV-D to enable impartial and transparent conduct of the Enquiry. The DUTA Executive resolved to appeal to the University and the Chairperson of the Governing Body in writing and intervene through direct action if required.

There were continuous attempts to disrupt the meeting by sloganeering. The President repeatedly appealed to the members to maintain decorum and allow the discussion to proceed. However, all documents including the representations and relevant Statutes were circulated to all members and two resolutions relating to the agenda were read out and circulated, and passed by 12 votes in favour and 7 against in the first issue and 10 votes in favour, 7 against and 2 abstentions in the second issue. Another resolution moved and supported by seven members referring to a “systematic attempt to ignore the Staff Associations of concerned colleges from where issues emerge” was defeated by 10 votes against and 7 in favour. Those opposing this resolution pointed out that the matter cannot be deferred any further as Dr. Rajesh Mohan’s representation had been pending with the ARSD Staff Association for several months without it being taken up. It was also pointed out that teachers, as members of DUTA, have the right to represent directly to the DUTA.

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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