
Letter to Staff Associations regarding Stepping up, 5.11.2013


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The President/Secretary,
Staff Association,

5 November 2013

Dear Colleagues,

An informal meeting on the question of anomalies and stepping up was held in the DUTA Office. The meeting was attended by colleagues from various colleges who are affected by this anomaly. 
It was brought to the notice of the teachers present that the DOPT had issued an Office Memorandum dated 4.10.12 regarding grant of stepping up in the case of juniors getting higher salary than seniors as a result of anomalous fixation on 1.1.2006 or any benefits accruing from ACP thereafter, till 31.8.2008. This notification was forwarded by the AR (Non teaching) on 25.10.12 to all college Principals/ Heads of Department for information and “necessary action”. The authorities appear to have suppressed this notification as teachers in most colleges did not seem to be aware of it. We have been told that the stepping up has been implemented for the non-teaching employees, but not for teachers. There is no logical rationale for this discrimination.
I am enclosing a copy of the University circular for information to all affected colleagues in your college. While the DUTA takes up the matter with the University authorities and the UGC, it would be a good idea for the Staff Associations to take it up with the Principals, so as to build up all-round pressure for implementation of this OM for teachers as well.
Please also send us a list of affected teachers in your college with a brief description of the category and nature of anomaly. The information can be mailed to [email protected]
Along with this please also send us a list of those affected by the CPF-GPF issue. A meeting on the latter issue was also held in the DUTA office  and strategy worked out. Follow up meetings will be held later on this month to report on the progress.

With warm Diwali greetings to all.

DUTA President


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