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Press Release: 31 January 201


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DUTA GBM Resolves to Fight Pitched Battle to Get FYUP Rolled Back
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In a well-attended General Body Meeting of the DUTA, teachers of Delhi University unanimously resolved to fight a pitched battle to get the FYUP rolled back. The arrogance of the VC after being awarded the Padma Shri was reflected in the denial of a venue for the DUTA GBM. The DUTA decided to hold the GBM outside the Vice Chancellor’s office on the main University gate. Teachers responded energetically to the DUTA’s call and assembled in large numbers. Representatives of many college staff associations condemned the award of Padma Shri on Dinesh Singh who has destroyed the academic structure of the University, subverted its statutory processes and undermined all democratic norms by refusing to engage with the elected leadership of the teachers while continuing to oppress the teaching community and exploit the large section of ad hoc teachers. It was also pointed out that the Central Government had demeaned the award by giving it to a person who took perverse pleasure in ill-treating security guards and abusing their dignity.

The FYUP was roundly criticized as a failed experiment foisted over the University by stooges of the Central Government which has tried to dismantle the public-funded higher education system through frivolous and anti-academic restructuring. The DUTA called for a joint-struggle of teachers and students to beat the FYUP back and restore the academic functioning of the University.

The DUTA also condemned the University administration for attempting to subvert the Reservation Policy of the Government by ignoring the entitlement and backlog in Reservation and incorrectly implementing the 200-point Reservation Roster. The GBM reiterated the demand for the scrapping of the unjust Screening Criteria for appointments and asked the University to stick to the UGC-determined eligibility criteria that is followed in universities across the nation.

The DUTA has demanded that the University stadia that were renovated during the CWG should be thrown open for the use of students and teachers. In this regard, the DUTA has announced a protest cricket match outside the main campus stadium on the first day of Antardhwani, i.e. 14 February. The DUTA will boycott the Antardhwani as this cultural festival is being misused to create a false propaganda in favour of the FYUP by the VC and his task force.

On 18 February, the DUTA will also organize, with students, a massive protest march to the Parliament against the FYUP and the Government’s insensitive handling of the various issues that go against the interests of the University community.

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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