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JNUTA statement in support of DUTA


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JNUTA’s Statement on Attack on Autonomy of Teachers of Delhi University and
Support to DUTA for the Restoration of Democratic Functioning in Delhi University.
We the teachers of JNU have been witnessing attacks on the autonomy of the teachers of Delhi University in the last few years. These attacks have come in the context of introduction of a) the semester system for the undergraduate courses and b) the Four Year Undergraduate Programme.
These major changes in the undergraduate programme of the Delhi University have been brought about by undermining the democratic bodies of Delhi University and ignoring the majority opinion of the Delhi University teachers and students. That the majority opinion has been against these changes was demonstrated by the recent victory of those who have been opposed to these changes in both the students’ and the teachers’ elections.
We would like to reiterate that in a University, `Dissent is the essence’ which ought to be encouraged and not suppressed by the authorities. We believe that in a University a consensus has to be arrived at on all major issues through discussion and persuasion. This may be time consuming but in the end it leads to well considered decisions that stand the test of time.
In our view commitment of teachers to a programme is essential since that determines the quality of their teaching and research. Alienated teachers who are not convinced about the programme they run cannot give their best and this can only lead to the decline of standards in the University.
We believe that the hastily introduced semester system and the Four Year Undergraduate Programme are not serving the best interest of Delhi University and need to be reviewed immediately.
Finally, we are distressed to hear that those teachers who had opposed the FYUP are now being victimised in promotions and appointments. This is an attack on the autonomy of academics.
Considering the above, JNUTA extends support to DUTA in its current agitation and would like to reiterate:
  1. The democratic functioning of the academic bodies of Delhi University needs to be immediately restored.
  2. The attack on the autonomy of the academics of Delhi University must immediately end.
  3. There should be no victimization of those who express dissent.
  4. The changes in the undergraduate programme hastily implemented ought to be reviewed and the majority opinion should be respected.
  5. We appeal to the entire academic community of the country to support the struggle of DUTA on the above mentioned issues.

On behalf of the EC of JNUTA
Arun Kumar                                                                            Dipendra Nath Das
President                                                                                 Secretary

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