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Letter to VC re release of retirement benefits, 28 April 2014


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Prof. Dinesh Singh
Vice Chancellor
University of Delhi

28 April 2014
Sub: Immediate Payment of Retirement Benefits due to Dr. Rajesh Mohan 
(former Acting Principal and Assoc. Professor, ARSD College) 


In continuation of the earlier letter sent to you, demanding the immediate disbursement of Dr. Rajesh Mohan’s Retirement dues and the expedient disposal of the departmental proceedings pending against him, we yet again write to you in the light of the recent order issued by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), reiterating the same demands.
It is truly a matter of concern for the DUTA that a teacher who has rendered a full period of service to the University is being deprived of his Retirement benefits. His right to life and dignity has been grossly violated, as is clear from the extensive observations contained in the NHRC Order (dated 21. 04.2014); additionally, his right to justice has also been denied by the University as it has failed to account for the decision to withhold his dues. In the absence of a proper Charge sheet against Dr. Mohan, or any procedural inquiry conducted to establish the facts pertaining to any misdemeanor on his part, the University must intervene and ensure that Dr. Mohan is not subjected to any further harassment. The Indian Constitution (Article 300-A) also guarantees the right to property and earnings due to every citizen without exception unless so decreed by authority of law. Hence, the DUTA urges you to direct the authorities of ARSD College to disburse Dr. Mohan’s provisional pension, gratuity, GPF and leave encashment amount without any further delay.

With regards,

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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