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The DUTA takes a serious note and condemns the Acting Principal of Daulat Ram College for victimizing two teachers Dr. Gurmeet Kaur and Dr. Sonia Mehta and subjecting them to mental harassment and humiliation.

An educational trip was organized by the college in March 2013 with due permission from the college Principal, which was accompanied by these two teachers. The Principal had also written to the Railways seeking students’ concession for this educational trip.  A year later, she declared the trip as non educational. In an adjourned Staff Council meeting held on 3rd and 16th of April, 2014 the matter was raised by the Principal without any warning, since it was not on the agenda. In the meeting, she blamed the aforesaid teachers for organizing the trip and read out some complaint which was never shown to the teachers concerned. Negative and derogatory comments against the two teachers were recorded with their names in the minutes of the Staff Council of 03/04/2014, despite the objections of majority of members to their names being mentioned.

On the basis of a representation by these two teachers, and after carefully examining all the relevant documents, the DUTA Office Bearers had a meeting with the Acting Principal and also gave a written representation to her, as Chairperson of the Staff Council, to have the derogatory references to the teachers expunged from the minutes, when it came up for confirmation in the next meeting.

However, in the Staff Council meeting held today (01/05/2014) when these two teachers raised this issue and wanted their names to be expunged from the minutes, the Principal shouted them down and did not allow them to speak. They were very rudely and assertively asked to keep quiet, and the minutes were confirmed without expunging the names. This has been reported to us by several teachers from the college, and a written representation about the event given to the DUTA.
It is highly unfortunate that the Principal has stuck to her agenda of harassing the teachers. The DUTA warns the Principal of Daulat Ram College to give up this high handed and vindictive behaviour or else the DUTA will have to initiate direct action against her.

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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