DUTA Press Release welcoming UGC’s Withdrawal of Letter on Adhoc Appointments


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PRESS RELEASE: 28 May 2014
The DUTA welcomes the UGC’s timely decision to withdraw its earlier letter (dated 19 May 2014) in which it had erroneously questioned ad-hoc appointments and salaries in Delhi University. On being pointed out that its letter stood in contravention of the UGC Regulations, it corrected itself and withdrew the letter at the earliest.
The said letter had caused a lot of anxiety to the 5000-odd ad-hoc teachers currently employed in Delhi University. For no fault of their own, these teachers are forced to continue working on ad-hoc basis as regular appointments have not been taking place in the University for many years. Even though the University has lately started making regular appointments, these have been too few to make up for the growing deficit of permanent faculty across its colleges and departments.
Not only is the stability of teaching-learning in the University threatened as a result of forcing teachers to carry on working on ad-hoc basis, but it is also a matter of deep shame that these qualified teachers enjoy no professional security, no service benefits and minimum rights.  
Hence the DUTA urges the UGC to ensure that all vacant posts in the colleges and departments of the university are filled up at the earliest and that the University is forced to adopt the 200-Point Reservation Roster with correct modalities, which are in conformity with the Government of India Rules and Directives.
President, DUTA

Secretary, DUTA                                                               
Delhi University Teachers’ Association (DUTA)

Day Centre Building, Chhatra Marg
University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Tel: 27667822, 27666351, 27667725/1697

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