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After sleeping over the restructuring of courses for the 2013 FYUP batch since the “rollback” announced by him on 27th June, the VC has finally called a meeting of the Academic Council on 19th July to finalise courses just two days before the opening of the session on 21st July.

Despite continuous pressure exerted by students and teachers, including a requisition signed by twelve AC members, he refused to fulfil his duty as laid down in the DU Act, Statutes and Ordinances. When he finally woke up, he presided over a string of illegal actions and procedural violations, that include the rejection of recommendations of Committees of Courses and bypassing of Faculties.

The latest crisis engineered by the DU administration arises from a letter sent  by the PVC to all colleges of DU this afternoon directing them to hold interviews for all ad hoc positions on the 19th and 21st. How over 4,500 candidates who have been working as ad-hocs  (and another unknown number who have not)  are supposed to appear for simultaneous interviews in 70 plus colleges with roughly 10 boards each (all chaired by Principal/Vice Principal) on just two days defies the imagination.

This cavalier “firman” issued from the Vice Regal Lodge is consistent with the feudal manner in which he forced the illegal FYUP on the University. It shows his complete indifference to academic processes and his callousness about the plight of the teachers he has kept as ad-hoc for four years against all rules in order to exploit them and use them to implement his illegal programmes.

The DUTA appeals to all teachers to come for a dharna tomorrow from 9 am to 11 am outside VC office (Gate No.1)at the venue of the AC meeting to demand the removal of this VC who has wrecked and continues to wreck the functioning of the University.

The DUTA also appeals to all Staff Associations to convene emergent meetings in their colleges tomorrow and remain vigilant so that injustice is not done to any of our ad-hoc colleagues who must be re-appointed on the 21st of July, and must be paid their summer salaries.  

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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