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DUTA Letter to UGC, 28.7.2014


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Prof. Jaspal Singh Sandhu
University Grants Commission
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi – 110002

28 July 2014

Sub:    Request for Intervention in matter of Displaced Adhoc Teachers in Delhi University Colleges

Dear Sir,

The DUTA greatly appreciates the alertness and sensitivity shown by the UGC in intervening to ensure that adhoc teachers working in Delhi University colleges are not displaced as a result of the rough transition from FYUP to the 3-Year Undergraduate Programme. On behalf of the entire teaching community of Delhi University, I personally thank you for your interest in safeguarding the entitlements of the vulnerable adhoc teachers.
Based on the UGC letter issued to college principals on 21 July 2014 (Ref.: No. 1-1/2014-Secy.), many of the adhoc teachers who had worked till the last day of the previous session were retained in the current session. However, some teachers have not been retained by their colleges.  The principals in these colleges are adamantly refusing to be guided by the UGC letter.
In our understanding, the 200 point roster prepared by the University is flawed as it is in contravention to the modalities laid down by the DOPT, and we believe that the University has already indicated its intention to the UGC to withdraw it in a letter dated 7.7.2014. Any displacement of ad-hocs on the basis of this flawed roster is therefore unwarranted. We also believe that the workload calculations are incomplete as the situation is still fluid pending greater clarity on restructuring that was done in a great hurry on 19th July, just two days before the re-opening of the session. For example the calculation for the workload requirements for EVS paper is still underway. The tutorials for the allied papers, an accepted norm in the pre-FYUP programme, have yet to be fixed. Moreover, there is widespread violation of UGC and University norms regarding size of sections and tutorial groups. In several colleges, these are huge and unwieldy following OBC expansion.
 We request you to kindly intervene and ensure that these teachers are made to join their duties in the colleges of their last employment, so that their salaries and service are safeguarded. We are attaching two lists of all the affected teachers (Unreserved and Reserved Category) who have approached the DUTA.  Copies of their applications for rejoining, to their respective college principals, citing the 21 July UGC letter, are also attached in a set along with the list. Several other ad-hoc colleagues have expressed their intention to send similar applications, and we would be forwarding them to you as well.
We are hoping for an equally prompt and positive intervention on your part.


President, DUTA

Cc: Dr. Archana Thakur, Dy. Secretary, UGC

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