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DUTA Press Release 16.8.2014


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The decisions of the Executive Council on 14 August 2014 on the matter of pension are vindictive and malicious in nature and run contrary to the earlier decision of 27.5.2014 to set up a Task Force for implementation of the Hon’ble High Court judgments keeping in mind “the welfare of employees serving as well as retired”.

The Hon’ble High Court in its order date 30.4.2014 had granted pension to all employees who had not specifically opted for CPF between 1.5.1987 and 30.9.1987 as was stipulated in the OM dated 1.5.1987 issued by the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare. The decision of the EC to challenge the relief given affects thousands of employees adversely. This decision has been purportedly taken on the pretext that the MHRD in a letter dated 11.7.2014 has indicated to the University to file an appeal against the High Court decision. This is a complete distortion.

In fact, the MHRD letter asks the University to consider the matter in consultation with the UGC in the light of OMs by the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare dated 1.5.1987 and 23.6.2014. The University itself admits that the consultation with the UGC has not yet taken place. Further, the MHRD letter does not ask the University to approach the court. To justify this decision. the University has fished out from the OM dated 23.6,2014, a reference to an old note dated 12.10.12 (much before the judgments) by the Department of Expenditure that suggests that the MHRD may appeal in the Apex court in case relief is granted by the High Court. Nowhere in the letter by the MHRD has it been suggested that the University file an appeal against the relief.

Further, the decision to stop pensions for employees who had been given option for pension scheme by the University, which is now held to be unapproved by the Hon’ble High Court, is unjustified and insensitive to the plight of these employees.

The DUTA demands that the University honours its commitment to these employees and take up their case with the UGC and the Government of India for authorisation of the expenditure towards their pension. The case of employees who were denied relief by the Hon’ble High court should also be taken up with the UGC and the Government of India on humanitarian grounds.


The DUTA condemns the fraudulent manner in which the Executive Council decision of 17.8.2013 with regard to promotions has been overturned to make the cut-off date for the operation of the new scheme 31.12.2008 instead of 17.8.2013. As a result, a large number of teachers have been denied their right to promotions by being retrospectively put in a scheme that requires them to accumulate a large number of points on various counts to be eligible for promotion. These points cannot be acquired retrospectively. This hasty and vindictive decision was first sought to be justified on the basis of a UGC letter dated 9.7.2014. After the DUTA exposed this to be a fraud, a new letter dated 24.4.2014 was suddenly produced during the meeting. The DUTA demands that the University set aside this retrograde decision and takes up its earlier decision with the UGC with the argument that no new scheme that adversely affects service conditions of employees is justified.

Five members of the Executive Council disagreed with these decisions and recorded their dissent.

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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