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DUTA Letter to VC on Stepping up, 24.9.2014


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The Vice Chancellor
University of Delhi
Delhi – 110007

Sub: Implementation of Finance Ministry OM dated 4.7.2014

Dear Sir,

This is to draw your attention to the above-mentioned Office Memorandum No. F-10/2/2011 issued by GOI, Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) E-III(A) Branch Office Memorandum dated 04.07.2014, stating therein as follows: 

“…………the President is pleased to decide that, in partial modification of this Ministry’s aforesaid OM No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 29.01.2009, the increment on 1st January, 2006, as envisaged under the first proviso to Rule 10 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008, shall be allowed to those employees also who had reached the maximum of the applicable pre-revised pay scale more than one year before 1.1.2006 and were in receipt of stagnation increment(s) in the applicable pre-revised pay scale as admissible in terms of the orders in vogue prior to 1.1.2006……………………” (emphasis added).

You are requested to issue instructions for immediate implementation of the above OM to all Colleges and Departments of the University.
A copy of the said Office Memorandum is attached.

With regards,

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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