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DUTA Letter to MHRD, 8.10.2014


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The Hon’ble Union Minister,
Govt of India

8 October 2014
Sub: Appeal for enquiry into charges of plagiarism 
by Prof. Dinesh Singh, Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi.  

Dear Madam,

This is with reference to our letter dated 22.9.2014 on the same subject. We are sending you an updated letter with additional information received in response to some RTIs.
We have come to know that the MHRD has set up a committee to enquire into allegations of plagiarism in regard to some professors in Delhi University. We wish to draw your attention to the fact that there is a pending case of plagiarism in regard to the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dinesh Singh. The issue is part of the White Paper submitted by us but since there is already a specific committee investigating charges of plagiarism, we would request you to have this matter included in its terms of reference. The details are as follows:
According to a report published in the The Times of India, on December 10, 2012 (pg. 4, Annexure 1), out of twenty two publications listed under the account of Prof. Dinesh Singh on the website ResearcherID, maintained by Thomson Reuters, five publications were not his own but authored or co-authored by Davinder Singh, a teacher at Sri Aurobindo College. The publication list mentioned the name as D. Singh. The account with the publication list was online at http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-8260-2012; screenshots of the relevant pages are enclosed (Annexure 2). The five publications not authored by Prof. Dinesh Singh are nos. 4, 9, 10, 12 and 15 in the list. After the issue became public, the webpages and account were removed.
While the Vice Chancellor in the report maintained that (i) he did not have any idea how his account was created on the site and (ii) that his email ID had been hacked, it is important to draw attention to the following facts:

  1. Thomson Reuters is a prestigious company and accounts on ResearcherID.com allow researchers to create and maintain their personalized data on the site. The account is created and maintained by the researcher himself/herself and can only be changed by the researcher. For registration with ResearcherID, the authentic email ID is checked by the website by sending an invitation mail which needs to be confirmed by a return mail. One of its specific objectives is to solve author identity issues.

    The ResearcherID site explains its objectives as follows:

    ResearcherID provides a solution to the author ambiguity problem within the scholarly research community. Each member is assigned a unique identifier to enable researchers to manage their publication lists, track their times cited counts and h-index, identify potential collaborators and avoid author misidentification. (Annexure 3) (http://www.researcherid.com)

  2. Professor Dinesh Singh’s account was created on 21 May 2012, under the unique ResearcherID number D-8260-2012. The email used to create the account was [email protected]. This is the official email ID provided by Delhi University (see Faculty Members page of Department of Mathematics on Delhi University website, Annexure 4). The Computer Centre of the University, is responsible for maintaining such official email IDs provided to faculty members.
  3. On an RTI enquiry, the University maintained that it had filed a complaint against the creation of a “fake id”. It further claimed that “Thomson Reuters created a Research ID profile page affiliated with Prof Dinesh Singh and mistakenly attributed certain publications to him” (emphasis added). However, this claim of the University that the mysterious appearance of five publications authored by someone else on Prof Dinesh Singh’s page was a  “mistake” committed by Thomson Reuters is not borne out by any documentary evidence supplied by the University. In fact, in response to an RTI query, the University has clearly stated that “No letter was received in the Proctor’s office from the Thomson Reuters in this regard.” (See reply to RTI Annexure 5). Moreover, the University has not responded to a consequent RTI seeking copies of the complaint and the reply from Thomson Reuters. 
  4. On the other hand, according to a report in a leading daily (Times of India, 10.12.2012, Annexure 6), the ResearcherID website provides 

    “a unique identifier which allows researchers to manage their publication lists. The website is also designed to avoid author misidentification. All the listings and management of the accounts are done by the individual and the organization or the website is not responsible for uploading and listing of publications. Prashant Tomar, manager, Thomson Reuters, said, “It is the responsibility of the account holders to manage their accounts and there is no automated mechanism of the website itself searching for research papers of the registered scholars and uploading them.” Asked about the controversial account, Jennifer Breen, who deals with public relations for the sciences division of Thomson Reuters, said: “We provide a platform and support the scholarly community’s workflow needs on scientific research and discovery. Our role is not to police the community, but we will of course take action to remove the titles from the member’s list if it comes to our attention that members have been proven to have fraudulently claimed authorship of papers they have no rights to in the first place.” 

  5. Subsequent to these shocking revelations in the public domain, the entire profile page of Prof Dinesh Singh was removed from the ResearcherID website.
It is a matter of the gravest concern that the Vice-Chancellor is involved in this case. We may point out that a faculty member was found guilty of misconduct and his services were terminated for listing papers authored by someone else in his own publication list. We therefore urge you to have the matter investigated by the committee already constituted to look into charges of plagiarism. It goes without saying that Professor Singh should be removed from office during the enquiry since as Vice-Chancellor he could – and undoubtedly would – influence the recording of evidence and deter a fair process of investigation.

With regards,

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

Enclosures and links:

  1. Report in Times of India, 10.12.2012
  2. Screenshots of pages 1 & 2 of ResearcherID account of Prof. Dinesh Singh, listing the five publications not authored by him at nos. 4, 9, 10, 12 & 15.
  3. Copy of ResearcherID front page; see online at http://www.researcherid.com/
  4. Dept. of Mathematics on Delhi University website displaying official email ID of Prof. Dinesh Singh (which was used to create the ResearcherID account).
  5. University reply dated 8.9.2014 to RTI query.
  6. Report in Times of India, 14.12.2012

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