
DUTA Press Conference, 17.1.2015


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On Kirori Mal College | VP Chest Institute | UCMS | St. Stephen’s College

A Call Attention Press Conference was organized today at the DUTA office. Through this Press Conference we have tried to highlight four cases that indicate the complete breakdown of the rule of law and the collapse of justice and fairplay within DU. While the President of India, as Visitor of the University, is reported to be considering action against the VC on the basis of a Report of the Ministry of HRD containing serious allegations of misgovernance, the sharp decline in the great number of DU-maintained institutions, as a result of the current administration’s misrule, is increasing exponentially by the day. 

Of the four cases highlighted today, three pertain to colleges/institutions that are fully maintained by the University, where the University administration is directly responsible for the prevailing maladministration. These are Kirori Mal college, VP Chest Institute and UCMS. In KM College, the Governing Body is protecting an acting-principal who is facing criminal investigation following Court orders on serious charges of financial bungling leveled by the UGC. On the other hand, it has dismissed the suspended principal (suspended for holding a press conference) even though a statutory inquiry headed by former Supreme Court Judge, Justice Ganguly, had exonerated him. In the second case, UCMS – the most important medical college under DU – has been severely neglected by the University administration and now, surreptitiously handed over by the VC to the Delhi Govt. without discussion and approval from the Executive Council. In VPCI, two Asst. Registrars who were raising issues of corruption and financial irregularities have been terminated by the Governing Body; one of them, despite having a High court order reinstating him, and the other, through an ex-parte farcical inquiry, despite the fact that the Governing Body has no disciplinary power against such employees (under the Non-teaching Service Rules). The fact that the University administration is treating its medical colleges with such contempt and indifference shows the scant regard it has for the health and well-being of the University community. In the fourth case, the A.O. of St. Stephen’s College has been suspended, defamed and victimized for having raised issues of irregularities and coercion for religious conversion.

The Press Conference was attended by the affected employees of all these institutions and the DU Officers’ Association. DUTA office bearers and executive members addressed it. It was resolved that DUTA, UCMS Union and DU Officers’ Association will jointly take up these matters with the HRD Minister, Chancellor (Vice-President of India) who is the Head of the University. Following the submission of the White paper, the DUTA had already asked for an appointment with the Visitor, and is currently awaiting a response from Rashtrapati Bhawan. Detailed statements on each of these four cases are appended (attached to this email) for in-depth coverage. 
President, DUTA
Jt. Secretary, DUTA

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