
DUTA Press Statement on St. Stephen’s College, 17.1.2015


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On suspension of Administrative Officer of St. Stephen’s College

The DUTA Executive, at its meeting held on 3.1.2015, unanimously condemned the suspension of the Administrative Officer of St. Stephen’s College, Mr. Subha Kumar Dash, first by the Principal of the College, Revd. Valson Thampu, and then by the Governing Body, on extremely flimsy grounds. 

Members pointed out that the Principal had first suspended Mr. Dash without placing the matter before the Governing Body, which was in gross violation of University Rules for Non-Teaching Employees  adopted in August 2013, according to which the Disciplinary Authority for all colleges is the Governing Body.  After Mr. Dash filed a writ challenging his suspension, the Principal withdrew the suspension a day before the hearing so as to render the writ infructuous, and fixed an emergency Governing Body meeting a day later in which the suspension was reportedly re-imposed with the dissent of two teacher representatives and the University representative. This amounted to obstructing the course of justice and denial of legal recourse to Mr. Dash.

Mr. Dash was issued a suspension order and given a chargesheet by the Chairman of the Governing Body on 1.1.2015. The charge-sheet contains “charges” such as failing to act on the instructions of the Bursar, making unsubstantiated allegations of financial misappropriation and attempt at religious conversion against the Principal, sending smses with inappropriate and unbecoming  language, approaching persons outside the college and bringing the college into disrepute.  These hardly constitute a prima facie case of misconduct by Mr.Dash.  If anything, they point towards serious allegations by an officer who has worked most closely with the Principal. Moreover, if the Principal had found anything wrong with the behaviour of the AO, he should have issued some memos or warning letters prior to the extreme step of suspension. The fact that this was not done clearly establishes a vindictive and vengeful action by the Principal with scant regard for administrative norms and rules, with the motive of covering up serious allegations of financial and administrative irregularities, including irregular admissions.

What is most reprehensible is that the Principal misused the College website to post counter allegations of alcoholism against Mr. Dash.  This charge was repeated to the media, and was widely reported in leading newspapers. Shockingly, this charge does not even find a cursory mention in the charge-sheet issued to Mr. Dash. Clearly, the allegation was aired only to discredit Mr. Dash publicly, and constitutes a serious act of defamation.

The DUTA Executive demanded that the charges against Mr. Dash be dropped, his suspension revoked and that he be re-instated immediately. An independent Inquiry should be instituted by the Visitor to investigate all allegations of financial and administrative irregularities as well as attempt at religious conversion by the Principal Revd. Valson Thampu.

The Executive of the Officers’ Association and representatives of DUCKU also attended the meeting and resolved to launch a joint action programme along with the DUTA in support of the above demands. The DUTA and the DU Officers Association jointly demands that safeguards for the protection of Administrative Officers from vindictive action must be incorporated in the Service Rules (for Non-teaching Employees, 2013). These must include prior approval of the VC before instituting punitive actions such as suspension and termination. 

President, DUTA
Jt. Secretary, DUTA

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