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DUTA Press Release, 19.2.2015


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A massive Joint Dharna by the AIFUCTO, DUTA, JNUTA and IGNOUTA was held at the UGC today, in protest against the continuing policy attacks on public-funded higher education and pay and service conditions of teachers. Among a wide range of pending issues that were highlighted in the Dharna, the lack of regular appointments, the anti-academic API-based system of promotions, inadequate public spending in higher education and academic restructuring based on the Semester System and the Choice-based Credit System (CBCS) were specifically slammed. All the participating teachers’ associations expressed sense of disappointment at the present Government’s continuation of the previous Government’s policies in higher education, which have led to the undoing of equity, access and quality in this sector. A delegation of representatives of all participating teachers’ association met the UGC Chairman, Prof. Ved Prakash, after the Dharna. The DUTA also submitted an independent Memorandum (copy attached) apart from the one submitted by the AIFUCTO (copy attached).

The Chairman informed the delegation that the UGC had already made a positive recommendation to the MHRD on our demand for withdrawal of the API, and promised to take steps to resolve the stepping up issues and anomalies at the earliest. On the Reservation Policy he emphasized that every University was bound to follow the National Reservation Policy for SC/ST/OBC and PWD. When it was pointed out that the UGC Counsel had made a statement supporting the flawed Delhi University policy, he said that the Counsel in question had been replaced.

All the participating teachers’ associations have decided to intensify the struggle in support of our demands with a  Joint Protest March to the Parliament on 13 March 2015. Nation-wide units of the AIFUCTO, along with all Delhi-based central university and state university teachers’ associations will be expected to take part in this historic March. 

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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