
DUTA Executive Resolution on Regularisation, 10.3.2015


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After intensive discussions held over three meetings of the DUTA Executive, the 
following resolution was unanimously adopted by the Executive in its meeting 

held on 10.3.2015.

The DUTA expresses its anguish at the continued suffering of thousands of teachers who have been teaching  in  the  colleges  and  departments  of  Delhi  University  in  Temporary,  Ad  Hoc  and Guest capacity for the past many years. Even after years of protracted struggle the manner in which permanent appointments have resumed in this University leaves a lot to be desired. An extraordinary situation has been precipitated by the DU administration’s evasion of its routine responsibilities. There has been a virtual freeze on permanent appointments in the last four years. As a result, the University has accumulated an alarming number of vacant posts (approximated at over 4000) in which teachers have been forced to continue working in Temporary, Ad Hoc or Guest capacity. Incalculable  harm has been done to their career advancement prospects. Lives have been put on hold for no fault of their own. The DUTA is also cognizant of the exploitative nature  of  their  contracts wherein these thousands of teachers have been denied basic employee rights like Maternity Leave, Increments and Health Benefits. Indignities and threats are heaped on them by authorities at all levels. Hence, it is a matter of shame after the long hiatus in permanent appointments, the Selection Process that has accompanied the tardy and selective resumption of the filling up of vacant posts is made questionable by the lack of transparency and refusal of the DU administration to comply with the Government of India’s rules in the manner of implementation of the 200‐point Reservation Roster. The DUTA has thus had to take stock of the current situation and, through deliberations in its Executive  Body, has adopted the following set of demands towards  providing relief to these teachers and ensuring their regularization in the coming time:

I. All vacant posts in all colleges and departments must be filled on permanent basis immediately. All vacant sanctioned posts, as recommended by the Workload Committee and Staff Council, including those belonging to the Department of Physical Education, should be put on the reservation roster, which must be revised to conform to the DOPT Office Memoranda of 2.7.1997 and 2008, and UGC Guidelines 2006, as per the DUTA General Body Resolution of  31.1.2014. Posts reserved for PWD category as per 100 point roster should be clearly earmarked in the advertisement. Care must be taken to ensure that candidates from SC,ST,OBC and PWD categories are included in the selection process for a UR post and be allowed to appear for interviews, if eligible. Observers should be sent from SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Women/ Minorities category as required by the DOPT.

1. (a) All those who are currently working as temporary teachers (appointed teachers through duly constituted selection committee) against substantive posts, should be regularized immediately through a Notification.

(b) All those who have been appointed in temporary capacity (through a duly constituted selection committee)  and  the  nature  of  the  post  has  subsequently undergone a change, should be given preference in regular appointment.

2. All  candidates  who  have  worked  in  ad hoc  capacity  in  Delhi  University  must  be permitted to appear for interview. (This includes those who worked as ad¬hoc in the past but are not currently employed).

3.Teaching  experience  in  DU  must  be  given  more  weightage  and  preference  in regular appointment. 

4. The  selection  committee  should  give  equal  weightage  to  academic  qualifications, teaching experience  in  DU  and  performance  in  interviews.  Candidates  who  have  been teaching  in  a particular  college/department  for  a  reasonable  period  of  time  in  ad hoc capacity must be given reference as and when selection for permanent appointments in that college/department takes place.

5. All ad hoc teachers who lost their positions during the process of selection or due to the recasting of the Roster should be given due weightage in permanent appointments.

6. To ensure greater objectivity and transparency, it must be ensured that the whole expert panel approved  by the Academic Council is made public, and that no expert is repeated more than once till the entire panel gets exhausted, keeping the principle of rotation in mind. This is consistent with the long-standing position of the DUTA as stated by the DUTA President in a letter to the Visitor dated 7.4.2004: “No expert should be invited by the Governing Body if he/she has already been invited twice in a year (in which the interview is being conducted) by the Colleges, till the whole panel for that subject/specialization is exhausted keeping in view the principle of rotation.”. The composition of the selection committee should be in consonance with UGC Regulations 2010.

7. The  recently  introduced  practice  of  charging  a  fee  for  application  for  permanent posts should be discontinued forthwith, and application fee already paid by applicants must be refunded.

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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