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DUTA Letter to VC, 20.3.2015


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The Vice Chancellor
University of Delhi
Delhi – 110007


Sub: DUTA Executive Resolution on Regularisation of Temporary and Ad-Hoc Teachers

Dear Prof. Dinesh Singh,

The DUTA notes with great concern that, in the ongoing series of interviews for permanent appointments being conducted in many colleges, a very large number of well-qualified ad-hoc teachers who have served for many years in the college have been denied regular appointment.
In this regard, it is pertinent to point out that the composition of the Selection Committee is  at variance with the one laid down in the UGC Regulations (and upheld by the Visitor’s directive),  is skewed against representation from the College through the denial of the right of the Chairman Governing Body to choose two experts out of a panel of five sent by the University.  This has been consistently pointed out by the DUTA after the EC meeting of  17.8.2013. Moreover, the input of the college subject representative regarding the teaching and other academic contribution of the long-serving ad-hocs, have not been given adequate weightage. Their views have merely been noted as dissents and overlooked. In one college, the college department representative was not even given space in the selection committee, in violation of the ordinance.
Another issue that has been raised is that the experts on the selection committee have been repeated in college after college, in contravention of academic norms that have been widely accepted and enunciated continuously by the DUTA as well.
As you are well aware, regular appointments have been kept in abeyance and teachers kept ad-hoc for many years, for no fault of theirs, causing great hardship to thousands of individuals and academic disruption to institutions. Now that permanent appointments have begun, it is alarming that a large number of long-serving ad-hocs with excellent academic credentials are being denied regularisation for no apparent academic reason.
As laid down in the UGC Regulation, the criteria and methodology adopted in the selection process need to be transparent, objective and fair, and seen as such by the community at large.
The DUTA Executive held a series of meetings on the issue of regularisation of long-serving ad-hoc teachers of our University, and  unanimously passed a resolution that we have attached.
We would urge you to consider these recommendations seriously and find a way of securing justice to thousands of our long-serving ad-hoc and temporary teachers who, despite facing tremendous hardship, have served for many years with great dedication and kept the academic programmes of the University going at a time of great turmoil and change.

With regards,

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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