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DUTA Press Release, 9.7.2015


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Parliamentary Standing Committee on Welfare of SCs and STs visits DU to investigate violations of Reservation Policy

DUTA office bearers today met the Parliamentary Standing Committee for SC/ST. Nearly fifteen members of the Committee with its Chairman, Shri Kulaste, interacted with the teachers belonging to SC/ST and OBC category to know their views on the implementation of the National Reservation policy in Delhi University. DUTA welcomes this move of the Parliamentary Standing committee which has taken note of the DUTA’s representation and decided to visit the University to gather first-hand information of the gross violations of the National Reservation Policy in student admission and recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff.

The Vice-Chancellor made a mischievous attempt to mislead the Standing committee by selectively inviting some teachers and not inviting the DUTA. Several members of the Academic Council and DUTA Executive belonging to SC/ST /OBC category were not allowed to come in while others were selectively called by the VC. DUTA office bearers and the President/ Secretary of the SC/ST/OBC Association, were called only on the insistence of the Standing Committee.

Nandita Narain, President of DUTA, explained the gross violations of the National Policy on Reservation in Delhi University where shortfall and backlog have been completely denied. Examples from several colleges were cited to establish the malafide intentions of the Vice-Chancellor in denying the constitutional right of 15%, 7.5% and 27% reservation in teaching posts to SC, ST and OBC candidates. For example, in Aryabhatt College, out of 67 teachers there is not a single permanent teacher belonging to ST category, and not even one of the vacancies advertised is earmarked for ST! After the interaction, DUTA Office Bearers submitted a set of documents including its earlier representation dated 10.12.2014 to the Chairperson, the UGC letters of 11.6.2014 and 1.7.2014 objecting to the University’s policy as not being in conformity with the GoI Reservation Policy, a copy of the flawed EC resolution dated 28.9.2013 and a copy of the Zakir Husain College Roster. The Chairperson of the Committee requested the DUTA to collect information about the status of reservation of teaching posts in each college and submit it to the Committee.

The Standing Committee is also scheduled to meet the Principals of all the Colleges to ascertain the status of implementation of the Reservation policy in their Colleges. Later the Committee will also meet University officials to gather their inputs on implementation of the Reservation policy in DU. 


President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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