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DUTA Press Release, 01.06.2016


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DUTA Executive decides to take the movement forward – GBM tomorrow at 10.30 am Hansraj College Auditorium –Eleven Students Groups Express Support for DUTA

The DUTA Extended Executive in meeting held today unanimously resolved to intensify the struggle for withdrawal of the UGC Gazette Notification, 2016, and rollback of API(PBAS). Teachers across the country have been agitating against the UGC Gazette Notification of 4 May 2016. The Amendments have snatched away the job-prospects of lakhs of young teachers and research scholars and API(PBAS)has effectively denied any career growth to even greater numbers of teachers. Even as Government documents often point out a shortage of qualified teachers, it comes as an utter shock that the Government is ready to play with the lives of lakhs of people who chose to join the teaching profession and spent years in pursuing higher degrees for the same.
The Gazette Notification on Amendments insidiously provides the basis for an adverse reformulation of teachers’ workload by redefining “Direct Teaching Hours” as exclusive of Tutorials and by undervaluing Practicals (2 Practicals to be considered equivalent of 1 Lecture) in the API Table.
Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals are part of the coursework and were always treated at par and included in the Direct Teaching Hours that were laid down as 16 hours for Assistant, and 14 hours for Associate Professors in UGC Regulation, 2010. Though they differ in their formats, the preparation time and effort in conducting tutorials and Practicals remains the same. While teachers spend many more hours in class-preparation, evaluation, research, administrative duties and organising various students’ activities etc, it is the Direct Teaching Hours which decide the number of teachers required in a Department to offer various courses. The interpretation of Direct Teaching Hours as given in Gazette Notification, is unacademic and baseless. The interpretation will lead to a 50% increase in the teaching hours and number of courses taught for a teacher, and will therefore reduce time available for preparation, evaluation as well as individual attention for students. As per the Gazette Notification, an Assistant Professor would be required to teach a minimum of 18+6Tutorials = 24 hours and an Associate Professor for 22 hours (or to 22 and 20 hrs respectively as per the MHRD & UGC Press Notes).  Approximately 5000 teachers currently working in DU’s departments and colleges will be rendered surplus and they will lose their employment.
The DUTA Extended Executive discussed the UGC Press Note of 31 May. While the DUTA appreciates MHRD’s move to consult various stakeholders and review the Amendments notified in the Gazette on 4 May 2016, the DUTA finds the UGC Press Note, which is a repetition of the MHRD Note of 26 May 2016, misleading. Like the MHRD Press Note, the UGC Note clarifies that the Direct Teaching Hours will remain as stipulated in the UGC Regulations 2010. It, however, does not issue any clarification regarding the interpretation of Direct Teaching Hours. The Press Note, therefore, fails to address the concerns of teachers.
As per the MHRD Press Note, by including tutorials in the six additional hours per week, along with remedial classes/seminars/administrative responsibilities/ innovation and updating of course contents, tutorials have effectively been taken out of the 16/14 hours of direct teaching, on the basis of which teachers are hired. Similarly, the Press Release does not clarify that full weightage will be given to Practicals as has been the rule till now, instead of half as has been stipulated in the UGC Gazette Notification. This will lead to a 50% reduction in number of posts. The UGC Press Note of 31.5.2016, is also silent about these issues.
The ongoing movement is also raising the demand for the Roll Back of Point Based Appraisal System (PBAS) for promotions. Since the notification of UGC Regulations 2010, the PBAS, a system which quantifies teaching, academic and research work, has become a way to deny promotions. Even as the widespread criticism forced the UGC to review the faulty system twice in the last six years, it is unfortunate to see that the point system has been retained. In fact, more questionable features have been introduced through these amendments. The DUTA along with FEDCUTA and AIFUCTO are demanding for a complete Roll Back of Point System for promotions.
The DUTA has received massive support from students. Eleven students’ organisations including Aahwan, AIDSO, AISF, AISA, Bhagat Singh Chhatra Ekta Manch, CYSS (students’ group of AAP), KYS, NEFIS, NSUI, PACHHAS, SFI and SFS (students’ wing of Swaraj Samvad), attended a meeting held by the DUTA with students organisations and expressed support for the ongoing struggle.  Many of them have already issued statements demanding the withdrawal of the Gazette Notification as well as the API system of promotion.
The DUTA GBM, which will be held tomorrow in the Hansraj College Auditorium, will decide the future course of action. The DUTA is expecting several thousand teachers to attend the meeting.                                                      
President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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