
DUTA Press Release, 8-7-2016


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Large numbers of teachers attended the meeting of the General Body of the DUTA today at the Arts Faculty Gate from 2 pm onwards to review the ongoing agitation and to discuss ways to carry forward the struggle. Teachers expressed their resolve to press for the demands for immediate start to the appointment process with implementation of correct GoI reservation roster and for a speedy resolution to the state of zero promotions since long years in Delhi University. Teachers were unanimous in their criticism of government policies that threaten to destroy the quality of education in public funded institutions. Teachers were also critical of the complete inaction on the part of the University administration on matters adversely affecting teachers and teaching. Teachers of Delhi University are at the end of their tether as promotions and appointments have been delayed for more than eight years and once again called upon the University to take concrete steps to resolve the pending issues.
The proposal of the DUTA Executive was discussed at length at the General Body Meeting and was adopted unanimously. The Meeting was followed by a March to the VC’s Office and the DUTA Office Bearers and EC members went in and sought a meeting with the Vice Chancellor, Prof Yogesh Tyagi. After several hours of discussion, Prof Tyagi gave the delegation some positive assurances and asked them to meet Prof J P Khurana,  Convenor of the Committee set up to look into  promotions and appointments.
The resolution adopted by the GBM is as follows:
The DUTA GBM, taking cognizance of the opinion expressed by the Staff Associations of more than 40 colleges, adopted the following resolution: 
  1. To continue the boycott of evaluation of first and second year papers. The DUTA had appealed to the University Administration to separate the answer scripts of the pre-FYUP (2012-2015) batch of students from the answer scripts of the 4th semester students so that those could be expeditiously evaluated. In view of the Administration’s decision to honour the request of the DUTA, the GB calls upon teachers to evaluate the answer scripts so that the results of these students too can be declared on time.
  2. In the light of the overwhelming opinion expressed by a vast majority of Staff Associations regarding the boycott of admissions, the DUTA GB decided to carry out more participative action programmes in place of the admission boycott. This is to intensify the campaign among students and parents about our demands and against the anti-education character of the government policies. On all the days of admissions, Staff Associations will interact with parents and students to bring home the point that the consistent attack on public-funded educational institutions will soon destroy the few surviving universities like Delhi University which still provide affordable quality education while most universities and colleges in the country have been destroyed through inadequate numbers of teachers, high student-teacher ratio, low paid contractual jobs and absence of infrastructure. Teachers will participate in the admission work wearing black bands and badges in protest and Staff Associations will hold dharnas, distribute leaflets and collect signatures from parents and students.
  3. An action programme titled Meri Aawaz Suno will be held on Monday, 11 July 2016, outside the Vice-Chancellor’s Office, in which teachers will narrate their experience of no promotions, no permanent appointments and violations of the reservation roster since long years. The action programme is meant to draw the attention of the University administration and the Government to the hardships of the thousands of teachers awaiting appointments and promotions in the university.
  4. The DUTA GB decided to extend its solidarity to the struggle of the Central Government Employees against the adverse recommendations of the VII Pay Revision.
  5. The GB authorised the DUTA Executive to take decisions to carry forward the struggle.


President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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