
DUTA Executive resolution of 6 December 2016


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The DUTA Executive, in its meeting held on 6 December 2016, resolves the following: 

1. The DUTA condemns in no uncertain terms the misleading Press Release issued by the Registrar on 29.11.2016 and demands its withdrawal and that DU must issue a clarification. 

2. The demand for regularization of long serving adhoc and temporary teachers is the immediate concern considering that large numbers of teachers are languishing without security of jobs and working in extremely exploitative conditions for many years. The DUTA has been fighting for several years now for permanent appointments with corrections to the roster in accordance with the DoPT rules. The DUTA Executive demands one time regularisation/ absorption for all long serving adhocs with correct DoPT roster and keeping in mind all other legalities. For this purpose, the DUTA Committee on Modalities must immediately prepare the modalities after studying the feedback received from several colleges to enable regularization of temporary teachers and long-serving adhoc. The infirmities in the roster as well as the interests of those who have been displaced, for one reason or the other must be addressed. The modalities must be debated in the DUTA Executive and sent to Staff Associations for their feedback and adopted by the DUTA General Body. The DUTA must take it up with the UGC and MHRD. 

3. The DUTA demands that the appointment process must happen through a transparent and accountable recruitment policy. The DUTA Executive reiterates its earlier position adopted in the meeting of 10 March 2015 that 100% weightage must not be given to interviews by the selection committee and adequate weightage be given to past academic record and teaching experience to protect the interests of long serving adhocs. The manipulation of Selection Committees and appointments in select few departments and colleges in the past that led to displacement of a large number of long-serving adhocs in complete disregard to the feedback of colleges must not be allowed to be repeated. The DUTA demands that in the formula of 50:30:20, at least 20% be given to teaching experience in DU.

4. The DUTA Executive also reiterates its earlier position that the composition of Selection Committees should be in consonance with UGC Regulations. The DUTA Executive further resolves that, to ensure greater objectivity and transparency, it must be ensured that the whole expert panel approved by the Academic Council is made public, and that no expert is repeated more than once till the entire panel gets exhausted, keeping the principle of rotation in mind. 

5. On the 4th Amendment to the UGC Regulations 2010, the DUTA Executive takes note of the withdrawal of capping and student feedback and the restoration of direct teaching hours of 14 and 16 hours for Associate Professor and Assistant Professor respectively. While the 4th Amendment has given partial relief by removing capping in Category III and by counting points in Category II and III together, it has several negative features which must be fought against. The DUTA must ensure the following: 

a) Time spent on teaching must include direct teaching hours as well as the equal time spent on               preparation of classes.
b) Time spent on Internal Assessment must be included as a part of Examination work.
c) The insistence on publications in UGC listed journals must be replaced with publication in                   known journals of each discipline.
d) Teachers on Leave must be given appropriate relaxation depending on the nature of Leave. 
e) Counting of Orientation & Refresher Courses in Category III must be restored.
f) Counting of past service at all stages of promotion must be ensured.

The AC and EC members on the Drafting Committee set up by the University must ensure maximum relief for all teachers on all the above issues. 

6. The matter of retrospective implementation of API (2nd Amendment) w.e.f 31.12.2008 which has had extremely negative consequences for large numbers of teachers in Delhi University, of unjust denial of promotions for long years, must be pressed for. It is shocking that the University Administration has not shown any inclination to find a way to resolve the issue because of which the future of so many teachers is in jeopardy. 

7. The DUTA Executive believes that the UGC, by repeatedly amending the API system four times in 6 years, has recognized that capping itself is unreasonable and hence, it should be removed for all teachers governed by the 2nd Amendment.

8. The DUTA Executive resolves that concerted efforts at all India level be taken so that the irrational API system is withdrawn. The inherent flaws and the faults of the PBAS-API has also been placed before the Pay Review Committee and the DUTA must take all necessary steps to make the MHRD and UGC to realise only the complete rollback of the PBAS (API) is acceptable for teachers across the country.The jointAll India struggle against API must continue.

9. The DUTA Executive condemns in no uncertain terms the surreptitious attempts by the University Administration to include Librarians as Group A Officers. The DUTA is committed to protecting the status of Librarians as non-vacational academic staff to be governed by rules laid down for teachers and the fight for their parity with teachers. 

10. The DUTA Executive also condemns the attempt to include Assistant and Associate Professors of the Department of Physical Education in Delhi University colleges as “Group A positions in the Physical Education cadre in the non-teaching category”. The status of Teachers of Physical Education is under consistent threat and must be fought in unequivocal terms. 

11. The DUTA shall coordinate with all the members of the Ad-hoc Committee to ensure that all the demands are met.  

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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