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It has come to the notice of the DUTA that the UGC Pay Review Committee is slated to submit its report very soon on the pay revision of College & University teachers. 

We hope that the Committee has given due consideration to the suggestions for improvement in the service conditions of teachers given by the DUTA  and FEDCUTA outlined in the memorandum submitted by the latter to the Committee. These improvements are necessary for the attraction and retention of talent in the teaching profession, and for the maintenance of quality in Higher Education.

In this context, the DUTA reiterates the following demands on the pay revision of teachers which have been submitted to the UGC Pay Review Committee as part of the FEDCUTA memorandum:

1. A comprehensive parity of teachers with the All India Services in terms of pay structure and the promotional avenues.
2. Resolution of the anomalies of the Sixth Pay Revision.
3. Resolution of the retrospective implementation of API from 31.12.2008 for the promotion of teachers.
4. API/PBAS to be scrapped for the promotion of teachers and to be replaced by an enabling scheme to ensure time-bound promotion of teachers.
5. Higher pay for teachers at the entry level & three assured promotions for teachers upto the Professor’s level to ensure a comprehensive career pay profile of teachers.
6. A separate pay matrix for teachers to maintain a differential and higher pay for teachers throughout the career.

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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