
DUTA Executive Resolution on the issue Regularisation/absorption, 23 February 2017


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Resolution on the issue Regularisation/absorption

While the DUTA Executive recognizes the fact that any attempt to delay or stall the appointment procedure starting due to court intervention would exacerbate the uncertainties, especially in view of the policy thrust over the past decades to reduce the number of teachers and to switch to contractual forms of engagement, and would be detrimental to those who have already suffered for a long time, it reiterates the following demands:

  • Regularisation / absorption of long serving teachers through selection/ screening process by duly constituted Selection Committees. 

  • Those who have been selected on temporary basis through duly constituted selection committees should be regularised/ absorbed through screening. 

  • Regularisation/ absorption of teachers who have / had served for long period in the university / colleges and those who were displaced due to one reason or other, and in accordance with a correct and lawful reservation roster, i.e. the DoPT roster w.e.f 2.7.97 for SC/ST and 21.3.2007 for OBC. 

In view of the Hon’ble Supreme Court order cited in the present order on recruitment in Delhi University, the DUTA Executive decides to raise these demands with Delhi Univesity, the UGC and MHRD.

In the light of recent developments of the push for autonomous colleges and setting up of HEFA to further the agenda of privatisation and commercialisation and dismantling of public funded education in the country, the DUTA resolves to take up the issue of autonomy, the withdrawal of retrospective application of API in DU, the non-resolution of pension cases of teachers despite the favourable court verdict and the absorption/ regularisation of long serving teachers awaiting permanent appointments with the MHRD and the UGC on urgent basis. 

President, DUTA
Secretary, DUTA

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