
AIFUCTO Press release: 09th October, 2017


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AIFUCTO Press release: 09th October, 2017

An important meeting of National Executive Committee (NEC) of All India Federation of University & College Teachers’ Organisations (AIFUCTO) was held on 8th October 2017 in Hindi Bhawan ,New Delhi. Teacher leaders of the Country form most of the States participated in the long deliberations throughout the day. Prof.Kesab Battacharya, President ,AIFUCTO presided over the meeting.

Dr. Arun Kumar, General Secretary ,AIFUCTO appraised the members of continuous agitational program under taken by AIFUCTO and also exposed bitterly the indifferent, undemocratic and anti teacher mind set of the Govt. Inspite of the fact,that the University & College teachers were on continuous democratic agitation, it is unfortunate, the Govt of India is remaining totally callous on the genuine demands to make public the recommendations of Prof.Chouhan committee report and its uniform and simultaneous implementation throughout the country.The teachers of the country are in utter confusion and dark as to the approach of the Central Govt on the above vital issues. News has been circulated clandenstinely that the Govt is seriously reviewing the recommendations of the Chouhan Committee report detrimental to the vital interest of teachers. The Hon’ble Minister HRD Shri P.Jawadekar since the last six month repeatedly telling to the teachers’ organistions that “ Very soon seventh UGC Pay revision will be implemented across the country .“ But the HRD Minister has no answer that what will be implemented and how much Central financial assistance will be provided to the States (?)

NEC of AIFUCTO decided unanimously that:-

1. From 13th to 18th November 2017 will have non- cooperation in every College and University Unit with the administration and on 15th November,teachers of all the Colleges and Universities will hold a protest Dharna at their respective units and will have Chalk dawn/Pen dawn movement. During dharna teachers will discuss the crises in higher education along with their demands.

2. On 30th November 2017 the University & College teachers will have protest dharna/ demonstration in all Universities Head Quarters throughout the country.

3. On 11th December,2017 teachers of the Universities and Colleges will observe “Cease Work” and have dharna/demonstration in the State capital.
If by then our demands will not be fulfilled, then in the National Statutory Conference of AIFUCTO to be held in Shridi ,Maharashtra from 18th to 20th December 2017 the options of General Strike and other alternative modes of protest will be discussed and decided.
AIFUCTO important demands are :-

*Publication of Prof Chauhan Committee report, uniform and simultaneous implementation throughout the country with 100% Central assistance.
*Removal of anomalies of 6th pay scales.
*Pay scale & service condition to Adhoc/Part time /Self finance /Block grant teachers.
*Old pension scheme for all teachers.
*Extension of dates of RC/OC up to 31st December 2017.
The President and the General Secretary of AIFUCTO have made it very clear that because of anti teacher and anti education mindset of the Central Govt, University and College teachers of the country have no option but to go in for an indefinite country wide movement.

Prof. Kesab Bhattacharya
President, AIFUCTO
Prof. Arun Kumar
Secretary, AIFUCTO

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