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Four School of Social Sciences Professors protest supersession in appointment of SSS Dean


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Four School of Social Sciences Professors protest supersession in appointment of SSS Dean

Four of the five senior Professors — Prof/ Kumal Chakrabarti. Prof. Jayati Ghosh, Prof. Rajat Datta, Prof, Ravi Srivastava — who were superseded in the appointment of the Dean, SSS have written to the JNU Vice-Chancellor, protesting the egregious violation of the rotation by seniority norm in appointing the Deans of Schools. (The fifth, Prof. Binod Khadria is on long leave abroad.)

The JNUTA stands in support of their legitimate protest, and demands the restoration of the seniority principle in all cases in which it has been violated.

Ayesha Kidwai                                                                                                                 Pradeep Shinde
President                                                                                                                          Secretary

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