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DUTA Letter to MHRD: 20.11.2018


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DUTA Feedback on the Pay Revision Notification for Teachers 

20 November 2017

Shri Prakash Javadekar
Minister of HRD,
New Delhi

Sub: DUTA Feedback on the Pay Revision Notification for Teachers

Dear Sh. Javadekar,

The MHRD notification dated November 2, 2017 about the VII Pay revision for teachers in colleges and Universities across the country, following the cabinet decision on the same on October 11, 2017, has led to a sense of dismay and anguish amongst the teachers. Neither have the anomalies of the previous Pay Revision been addressed nor the issues relating to parity of teachers with IAS and other all India services.

The Delhi University Teachers’ Association has had extensive deliberations upon Notification and has prepared a detailed critique of the same, highlighting the main aspects that will downgrade the teaching profession and make it unattractive to fresh talent. We are enclosing the same.

The teachers under the banner of DUTA are going to march tomorrow from Mandi House to Parliament Street to highlight the main demands.

We request you to grant us an appointment to discuss the issues with you.

Attachment: DUTA Critique on VII Pay Revision for Teachers

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA
Vivek Chaudhary
Secretary, DUTA

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