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DUTA Letter to VC: Request for urgent intervention in the case of NSIT


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Request for urgent intervention in the case of NSIT


Professor Yogesh Tyagi
Vice Chancellor
University of Delhi
Delhi 110007

Date: 12 January, 2018

Subject: Request for urgent intervention in the case of NSIT

Dear Professor Tyagi,

We write to draw your attention to the fact that the post of Director, NSIT is lying vacant since 12 December 2017. This is adversely affecting the routine processes of the prestigious technical institution.

As you may know, the then NSIT officiating Director Prof. Yogesh Singh issued an advertisement for the post of Director by changing recruitment rules. This advertisement was issued on behalf of Board of Governors (BOG) without even discussing in any of the BOG meeting. This was challenged by Dean Faculty of Technology, Delhi University in the Honorable High Court.

Prof J P Saini, who joined the institute on 25th July 2017 as Director on the basis of the advertisement, was given appointment order subject to the outcome of the case.

Now the Honourable High Court has pronounced the judgement. The Advertisement issued has been termed as illegal and the appointment of Prof J P Saini has been set aside on 11th of December.

Now NSIT is a headless institute since 12th December 2017.  This situation is unprecedented and is adversely affecting day-to-day matters of the Institute. Classes for the foundation electives have not yet started because of non approval of guest faculty. Some of the HODs somehow are managing to get the classes held by taking a risk about the payment to the faculty so engaged.

We request that as per the Memorandum of Association (MOA) of NSIT, the senior-most professor in the services of the Institute should be given charge. We urge your immediate intervention.

Thanking you


Rajib Ray
President, DUTA
Vivek Chaudhary
Secretary, DUTA

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