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DUTA Letter to VC, 05.03.2018


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Formation of Governing Bodies and Release of Grants


Professor Yogesh Tyagi

Vice Chancellor

University of Delhi

Delhi 110007

Subject: Formation of Governing Bodies and Release of salaries in the twelve colleges 100% funded Delhi Government and Grants in all 28 colleges aided/funded by Delhi Government

Dear Professor Tyagi,

We have learnt that the Delhi Government has sent the proposed list of Governing Bodies of the 28 colleges aided/funded by the Delhi Government. We urge you to convene the meeting of the Executive Council on emergent basis for the formation of the Governing Bodies. As you know, the matter has remained unresolved for over a year, adversely affecting  governance and delaying the appointment of Principals and teachers. Any further delay in the matter now on the part of the n University would be unjustified.

It is also extremely unfortunate that the stand off between the University and the Delhi Government has  resulted in stoppage of salaries of karamcharis and teachers in these colleges, leading to immense hardship. Lack of grants has crippled the administration in these colleges.

Grants for salaries in the 12 colleges 100% funded by Delhi Government were released month-wise only after the DUTA’s interventions. We have now learnt that many colleges have not been able to release salary for  the last month. Salaries of ad-hoc teachers in many places have also been delayed. We urge the University to immediately take up the matter with the Delhi Government to ensure release of Grants for salaries and maintenance to end the crisis.

We once again urge you to convene the meeting of the Executive Council without any further delay.


Rajib Ray
President, DUTA
Vivek Chaudhary
Secretary, DUTA

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