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FEDCUTA Press Release, 12 March 2018


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AIFUCTO- FEDCUTA- DUTA jointly protest at UGC against Negative Service Conditions and Policy Assault on Higher Education

University and College teachers gathered in huge numbers under the banners of the AIFUCTO, DUTA and FEDCUTA to protest against the negative service conditions in the Draft UGC Regulations, the 70:30 funding formula and the shift to loan-funding through HEFA that will severely impact the cost and quality of education, appointments of faculty and staff, promotions and other benefits in public-funded universities across the country. The protesters marched from Feroze Shah Kotla to the UGC headquarters, where a delegation consisting of President and Secretary of FEDCUTA and the NEC members of AIFUCTO met the UGC Secretary and apprised him of the teaching community’s collective demands. The teachers have the following main demands:

1. 100% financial assistance to institutions of higher education for uniform and simultaneous implementation of 7th Pay Revision Scales in all States

2. Withdrawal of proposals replacing grants by loans through HEFA, Graded Autonomy and Autonomous College Scheme

3. Withdrawal of Clause for Minimum Direct-Teaching Hours of 14 hours (for Assoc. Professors) and 16 hours (for Asst. Professors) and the insistence on 7 hours stay per day without any commitment to providing infrastructure

4. Counting of total Past Service in Temporary and Ad-hoc capacity for Appointments and Promotions

5. Withdrawal of the 5th March Notification for implementation of Department-wise Roster and Continuation of 200-point Reservation Roster with University/College as Unit

6. Complete Withdrawal of API as condition for all pending Promotions

7. Withdrawal of provision for Contractual Appointments in teaching

8. Immediate Release of Pensions and Allowances for all categories

The UGC Secretary promised the teachers’ delegation that it will seriously consider all these demands. However, the DUTA will observe a BLACK WEEK from 12 March to 19 March wherein DU teachers will hold classes wearing black bands as mark of protest and hold public campaigns at metro stations and other important public spaces in the city, to raise common awareness of the destructive policy measures of the MHRD and UGC. 

The 70:30 funding formula and loan-funding through HEFA will hit inclusivity and common access to Higher Education and force institutions to raise students’ fees drastically. This will inevitably lead to commercialisation of degree courses and takeover of public-funded institutions by the private sector. The teaching community is committed to fight back and mobilise public opinion against this anti-people policy framework in Higher Education.

          Rajib Ray                                                                                                         Sonajharia Minz

(President FEDCUTA)                                                                                         (Secretary FEDCUTA)

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