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5-day DUTA STRIKE culminates with launch of online petition: Overwhelming Support from Teachers, Students, Karamcharis and Alumni

The 5-day DUTA Strike against Autonomy, Loan-funding, anti-Reservation Roster, Negative Pay Revision and a host of issues that threaten the foundations of public-funded higher education has drawn an overwhelming support from the teaching community, students, karamcharis and DU alumni. Every college has held continuous dharnas for the last five days.

The Strike is culminating with an online Petition (appeal to PM Modi) moved by Rajib Ray, President FEDCUTA & DUTA asking the Government to _uphold the right to affordable quality education https://www.change.org/p/prime-minister-of-india-defend-public-funded-higher-education 

 Within a few hours, approximately ten thousand have already endorsed the petition.

The warning sign is clear for this Government. Teachers, students, parents, karamcharis and alumni don’t agree with the Government on Autonomy and Privatisation. Public opinion is in favour of full public funding for universities and colleges, permanent jobs for teachers and staff, positive service conditions, assured promotional avenues and restoration of regular pension. Public-funded institutions are a common resource and the Government is entrusted with their safekeeping. No Government has the right to pawn them away at the behest of WTO or private businesses. Hence, the MHRD and UGC are urged to roll back steps like Graded Autonomy and HEFA. The Government is urged to abandon the Niti Aayog Action Agenda recommendations and instead, listen to the real stakeholders, i.e. students, teachers and karamcharis. Otherwise, the academic community across the country will take on the Government.

The DUTA expresses its solidarity with all students and teachers in various universities protesting against Privatisation. It will organise a massive People’s March to the Parliament on Wednesday, 28 March . It will also continue its public campaign to spread awareness on the real implications of destructive policy measures that are leading to job-loss, unemployment and lack of security for teachers and unaffordable fees for majority of students.

The DUTA also demands a meeting with the HRD Minister and Higher Education Secretary on 28 March, so that policy issues can be honestly discussed.

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA
Vivek Chaudhary
Secretary, DUTA

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