
DUTA Letter to Staff Associations, 01.04.2018


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DUTA Letter to Staff Associations, 01.04.2018

Staff Association

Dear Colleagues,

Salute for making People’s March from Mandi House to Parliament Street on 28 March a big success. Students’ participation was heartening. The DUTA extends a big thanks to students for joining the movement in defence of public funded higher education. We congratulate them for making the People’s March a great success.

Taking the movement forward AIFUCTO, FEDCUTA and DUTA along with other teachers’ and students’ organisations under the banner of Joint Forum for Movement on Education (JFME) has called for a *Pratirodh Rally from Mandi House to Parliament Street on Tuesday, 3 April 2018,  starting at 12noon. School and college/University teachers and students from across the country will march together in defence of public education. We appeal to teachers and students to join the Rally in large numbers.

Friends, it has  been brought to our notice that a WhatsApp message about Black Week from 2 April – 7 April  is doing rounds on WhatsApp groups. It is a fake message, not issued by the DUTA Office.

Apart from the 3rd April Pratirodh Rally, the DUTA shall notify future course of programmes shortly to Staff Associations through email.


Rajib Ray
President, DUTA
Vivek Chaudhary
Secretary, DUTA

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