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DUTA Letter to Staff Associations and Office Bearers. 01.09.2018


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Wear Black Badges on 5 Sep to protest NPS and to demand Old Pension Scheme

Office Bearers, Staff Association

Dear Colleagues,

This is to inform you that FEDCUTA, in its meeting of the National Executive, unanimously decided to demonstrate on the upcoming Teacher’s Day, that is, September 5, 2018 by wearing ‘Black Badges’ in all our respective institutions to demand the following for teachers of all Universities/Colleges:

1. Scrapping of NPS.
2. Restoration of Old Pension Scheme.

The DUTA will join the action programme. Teachers are requested to wear black badges on the aforesaid date in their respective institutions and thus make the action programme a success.

We request Staff Associations to mobilise and organise the action programme. Please circulate the poster widely. Please send photos of the protest in your unit for the DUTA Press Release and website.


Rajib Ray
President, DUTA
Vivek Chaudhary
Secretary, DUTA

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