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Resolution for DUTA Executive Meeting of 12 January 2019


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Resolution for DUTA Executive Meeting of 12 January 2019


The DUTA Executive takes stock of the prevailing situation confronting teachers of Delhi University. None of the long-standing issues of regularization/ absorption of temporary and ad-hoc teachers on the 200 point roster, promotions of a large section of teachers or of the pension rights of our retiring and retired colleagues have found resolution. The DUTA views the attack on the livelihood and service conditions of teachers as intrinsically connected to steps towards withdrawal of government funding from public-funded universities in pursuit of a misguided policy of commercialising higher education and creating conditions conducive to private business. The inordinate delay in the announcement of revised allowances and pensions is also an example of the same.

The DUTA expresses its solidarity with the ongoing hunger strike of our young colleagues who are rightfully demanding their absorption in these extremely hostile conditions. Our younger colleagues who have chosen to pursue the teaching profession have been subjected to working for too long a time under the most uncertain and exploitative conditions. The DUTA Executive also condemns the VC for his failure in carrying out the appointment process on time, due to his inaction and bureaucratic approach, even after the posts were advertised. The lethargy and disinterest shown by the VC has had severe consequences for the thousands of ad-hoc teachers who had hoped that the appointment process would begin after directions from the Hon’ble Delhi High Court. 

In this context, the DUTA demands that the Government bring in a one-time Regulation for the absorption of temporary and ad-hoc teachers. To enable this, the DUTA Executive simultaneously demands that the Government immediately resolves the reservation roster issue to ensure the continuation of the 200 point roster with the university/ college as a unit. The DUTA Executive unanimously takes strong exception to the insensitivity of and inaction by the Government that threatens the future of thousands of young teachers whose lives have been thrown into uncertainty and insecurity. In view of the above, the DUTA proposes to take forward the struggle for the legitimate demand of the absorption of these young colleagues with an immediate action programme of One Day Strike along with a Long March to MHRD on 17 January 2019. The DUTA will also write to leaders of political parties and members of Parliament so that the demands for the Ordinance/ Bill on the reservation roster as well as a one-time Regulation on absorption can be raised in Parliament.

The DUTA Executive appreciates the efforts of our colleagues who have been on a hunger strike for the last nine days braving the bitter cold, assures them of its resolve to pursue the demand, and appeals to them to strengthen the collective struggle.

The DUTA Executive notes that the composite platform of the Joint Forum for Movement on Education (JFME) has called for a People’s March on 19th February in Delhi on the demands for absorption of teachers and other employees forced to work under various contractual forms, assured promotion for teachers so as to attract and retain talent in the teaching profession and assured pension.

The DUTA Executive simultaneously expresses its strong criticism of the VC for capitulating to the Government’s agenda by not even allowing the tabling of the report of the sub-committee set up to facilitate the adoption of the UGC Regulations 2018. The partial relief, however inadequate, that could have come for teachers who have been waiting for nearly a decade for promotions through the adoption of UGC Regulations 2018 is also being denied. The DUTA Executive also condemns the VC’s complete lack of will to expedite pending cases even of the old scheme and the over-bureaucratization of the promotion procedures, the counting of past services and issues of recovery and demands that he immediately re-convenes the adjourned meeting of the Academic Council. The DUTA Executive proposes One Day Strike and Dharna at Gate No. 1 on 18 January 2019 to highlight these demands.

The DUTA Executive also proposes an action programme to highlight the miserable plight of our retired and retiring colleagues in February (date to be announced by the Office Bearers).

The DUTA Executive believes that since all these demands are related to funding and the Government’s attempts to withdraw from public-funded institutions, a concerted movement needs to be built up by bringing on board not only all sections of the university community but also our students who will also soon face the consequences of these policies. The DUTA also believes that public opinion must be generated through mass campaigns.

The DUTA proposes to write to the Staff Associations to send their suggestions/ ideas in 2 weeks’ time on ways to intensify and carry forward our demands for the realization of the same. The Staff Associations have been DUTA’s strength and their deliberations, mobilisation and opinion play a crucial role in building a strong and unified collective movement. A coherent action programme then should be framed in an Extended DUTA Executive Meeting and placed before a meeting of the DUTA General Body.

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Vivek Chaudhary
Secretary, DUTA

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