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DUTA Letter to VC: 11.06.2019


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Seeking immediate action on issues confronting teachers and Delhi University



Professor Yogesh Tyagi
Vice Chancellor
University of Delhi
Delhi 110007
Seeking immediate action on issues confronting teachers and Delhi University

Professor Tyagi,

DUTA Executive met on 8 June 2019 to discuss various issues which confront the university
community today. The Executive finds it extremely unfortunate that a large
number of issues have been kept pending and meetings of Statutory Bodies have
not been convened to deliberate and clear issues. The University is in a state
of paralysis because of your inaction. Teachers are feeling demoralized as they
are forced to work without promotions and in conditions which are adversely
impacting their working conditions and quality of education. Meetings of the
Executive Council have not been convened despite repeated appeals by the DUTA to
resolve issues regarding promotions, counting of past services, recovery, governing
body guidelines for Guest Faculty and EWS.

once again draw your attention to issues for immediate action:

EWS Expansion    
As you know, the student intake will increase by 10% this academic year and by
25% next year on account of 10% reservation for EWS. Delhi University and its
colleges are ill prepared to deal with this expansion as (i) the OBC second
tranche posts have not been released yet (ii) additional hands as required by
CBCS were never sanctioned to colleges and (iii) while the Government had
sought requirements towards EWS expansion in January 2019, no grants for
additional infrastructure and teaching and non-teaching posts has been sanctioned
to colleges. Any delay in the sanction of additional teaching posts may deepen
the existing crisis, worsening the already skewed student-teacher ratio,
overcrowded class rooms and labs and over burdening of teaching faculty. As the academic head of the University, it is your duty to
pursue the matter with the UGC/MHRD to ensure that teaching and non-teaching
posts against OBC Expansion and EWS expansion are immediately released and
grants for additional infrastructure are released at the earliest.       

EWS Reservation
in teaching posts 

As you are aware, the Government of India DoPT Office Memorandum
No.36039/1/2019-Esst (Res) dated 31.01.2019 directs mandatory reservation for
Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) in direct recruitment in civil posts and
services in the Government of India.

It is unfortunate that implementation of EWS reservation
was notified by the University through an Office Memorandum dated 28.03.2019
(issued by Deputy Registrar, Recruitment) without discussing or amending the
existing guidelines for implementation of reservation on teaching posts (EC
resolution no. 64, 28.09.2013). This is a grave statutory violation as the matter
ought to have been discussed and decided by the Executive Council. We want to
caution you that any improper and ill-prepared implementation of the EWSs
Reservation will create utter mayhem in the entire university.

Further, at present there are many teachers who have been
working on ad-hoc basis for several years in the University and its colleges
because permanent appointments have not taken place for one reason or the
other. The implementation of EWSs Reservation will lead to large-scale
displacement of teachers currently working against Unreserved (UR) posts on ad-hoc
You are requested to proactively pursue the UGC/MHRD for the
immediate release of additional posts for implementation of EWSs Reservation
which may help mitigating hardship of these teachers.

We demand that you immediately convene a meeting of the
Executive Council and discuss this matter before approving the recasting of the
existing teaching roster.

Formation of
Governing Bodies and crisis in the partially or fully funded Colleges of Delhi
Government because of the ongoing impasse   
We find it extremely unfortunate that
you have taken no steps to ensure the formation of Governing Bodies in many
colleges. The situation is particularly grave in the Delhi Government colleges
as the Government has now stopped funds/ grants. The resulting
financial crisis is pushing
employees to the brink where not only salaries are delayed but also
reimbursement of medical and other bills, causing immense hardship to the
families of the employees as well. It is really unfortunate that employees of
these colleges are being held to ransom because of the impasse between the
University and the Government. We wish to remind you of your responsibility to
ensure the proper governance of all colleges. Failure to constitute Governing
Bodies on time not only hampers the academic and administrative functioning of
the colleges but also constitutes a statutory violation.
We urge you to take immediate steps to stop further harassment
of employees and follow statutory provisions to form Governing Bodies in 28
colleges partially or fully-funded by Delhi Government without further delay.

Adoption of
the UGC Regulations 2018 
Consistent failure on your part to hold
AC/EC meetings regularly has led to total limbo in the routine functioning of
the University and college administrations. It is extremely shocking to note
that the UGC Regulations 2018 have still not been adopted by the University.
The University has failed to adhere to deadlines laid down for its adoption.
Teachers have been stagnating in colleges and University and adoption of the
UGC Regulations 2018 is extremely important to resolve this. Counting of past
service is yet important issue to be resolved for promotions to start in
colleges/Departments. The Committee report is pending before the EC for its
consideration. Teachers are anguished to see that the University has shown no
interest in their wellbeing.

Regarding the UGC Regulations 2018, the DUTA reiterates the
demand that the clause on “contractual appointment” be dropped as it is not
relevant to Delhi University where ad-hoc appointments have been the norm. The
UGC Regulations recognizes these appointments by accepting them as “past

Further, we remind you that Physical Education should be
added in the list of Disciplines in the Draft Ordinances. This constitutes an
unwarranted attack on the service conditions of teachers of Physical education
and is unacceptable.

Further, under the 7 CPC, the UGC has issued Guidelines
for Guest Faculty on 28.01.2019. The University needs to evolve its own
guidelines regarding Guest appointment and service conditions, keeping in mind
the context in which guest faculty are appointed in the University and its
colleges. The Executive Council should draw these guidelines before the
commencement of the new academic session to avoid chaos and loss of teaching

age of teachers of Physical Education 
In the matter of Physical Education
teachers, the indifference shown by the University in the face of arbitrary
actions of the Principals of Vivekananda College and Shyam Lal College (E) is
completely shocking. The University ought to have intervened to ensure the correct
implementation of its own rules instead of being hostile to the plight of the
affected Physical Education teachers. The University should immediately enable
the withdrawal of court case by Ms. Meera Sood and stand by her right to retire
only at the age of 65, as is the case for all other teachers.

hope you understand that your inaction has led the university to a state of
paralysis, causing a deep sense of demoralization and unrest among large
sections of teachers. Immediate action is required from you on all the above
issues. We hope that you will respond to our demands and take steps to resolve
these issues by 20.06.2019, failing which, the DUTA, as a responsible
representative of the DU teaching community, will be forced to launch strong
action programs including boycott of admissions process.


Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Vivek Chaudhary
Secretary, DUTA

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