
DUTA Letter to h. Manish Sisodia Dy Chief Minister Government of Delhi: 07.09.2019


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DUTA Letter to h. Manish Sisodia Dy Chief Minister Government of Delhi: 07.09.2019


Sh. Manish Sisodia   
Dy Chief Minister 
Government of Delhi

Sub: Regarding repeated stoppage of funds to the 28 DU colleges partially or fully funded by Delhi Government

Dear Shri Sisodia,

The DUTA has been writing to you to convey its disapproval of the repeated stoppage of funds or threats of such action to the 28 colleges partially or fully funded by the Delhi Government. This inhuman action of denial of salaries to the teaching and non-teaching staff of these colleges amounts to a violation of basic human rights. Your reasons, whatsoever they may be, do not warrant such an assault on the living conditions of the employees and they cannot be held to ransom in this manner.

Your promises of making the teaching profession the most sought after on the occasion of Teachers’ Day rings hollow as you do not even care for the consequences your actions have for the lives of these teachers. Further, you do not seem to be aware that stoppage of grants is also affecting the students enrolled in these institutions as the academic and administrative day to day functioning of these units are affected in myriad ways.

The DUTA warns you from acting in such an inhuman and arbitrary manner and to stop treating employees in such a cavalier fashion. We will be compelled to take strong action against your office if the grants are not immediately and unconditionally released.

We hope that you will urgently intervene to resolve the issue to prevent further escalation.  

With regards

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

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