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DUTA Letter to VC reg. expedite the pending cases of promotion


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Appeal to expedite the pending cases of promotion

The Vice Chancellor
University of Delhi,
Delhi – 110007

Sub: Appeal to expedite the pending cases of promotion

Dear Professor Tyagi,

As you are aware, more than 3000 teachers in the colleges and the departments of the University of Delhi have been waiting for their pending promotions for more than a decade. Unfortunately cases of pending promotions have piled up in the University owing to the retrospective implementation of CAS 2010 which was illegal and the apathy of successive administrations to correct the same.
It is a matter of grave concern that an institution of higher learning like the University of Delhi, which is considered to be the premier Central University in the country, has deprived its teachers of their rightful entitlement of promotions. The teachers have been discharging their duties with full diligence and commitment, including churning out brilliant students every year who bring laurels to their institutions and society. It is really unfortunate that teachers who are nation builders find their own present and future in darkness. Denying them their career progression results in irreparable financial losses and social humiliation.

The University has inordinately delayed the adoption of the UGC Regulations 2018 in its statutory bodies. Now that the Regulations have been finally adopted and the University has begun notifying the Regulations to colleges, it has not sent option form and self-appraisal forms for CAS 2018 that are required for promotions. This delay is absolutely uncalled for and causes unnecessary distress to teachers already suffering from injustice.

We appeal to you to expedite the process of promotions and immediately send option form and self-appraisal forms for CAS 2018 to colleges and University departments. Teachers must get their pending promotions with counting of past service, failing which we will be constrained to intensify our movement against the inaction of the University in the coming few days.


Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA

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