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DUTA Letter to DUSU reg. DUTA Strike and Examination Boycott: 03.12.2019


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DUTA Letter to DUSU reg. DUTA Strike and Examination Boycott

Mr. Akshit Dahiya                                                                                                               Dec 3, 2019
President, DUSU
University of Delhi
Delhi – 110007.

Reg. DUTA Strike and Examination Boycott

Dear Mr. Dahiya,

We really appreciate your gesture of writing to the VC, supporting the DUTA’s demand of withdrawal of the 28 August 2019 letter that is threatening to displace the adhoc faculty currently employed across the colleges and departments of DU.

We also share your concern for the students’ well being and have a genuine stake in ensuring that the results are declared on time. This is the reason why DUTA is cautious and circumspect about resorting to any action that will entail suffering for our students or put them at a disadvantage.

However, as we are all aware, the University Administration’s unwillingness to resolve the crisis of growing adhocism, its failure to ensure time-bound promotions for teachers, and lately, its sly attempts to replace 4500 adhoc faculty with guest teachers compromises the very quality that we wish to guarantee to our students. Despite repeated appeals, the teaching community’s rights and legitimate aspirations have been totally ignored. This has created a widespread sense of demoralisation and anger for which the DU VC and his officials are squarely responsible.

The difficult situation can only be overcome when teachers and students jointly put democratic pressure on the DU Administration to resolve the crisis and meet our legitimate demands.

We already have the cooperation and solidarity of our non-teaching colleagues, the DUCKU, as all employees are suffering under the same callous administration which refuses to give relief to any section of the University Community. However, we cannot hope to sustain our movement without your cooperation and solidarity. Your teachers are banking on you for support at this crucial time.

We wish to invite you for a joint meeting of DUSU and DUTA office bearers, so that all concerns can be addressed and mutual confidence can be established. We can schedule the meeting on any day at your earliest possible convenience. We hope for and request your cooperation on this.

Warm regards,

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA

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