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DUTA Memorandum to MHRD: 8 December 2019


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DUTA Memorandum to MHRD: 8 December 2019

Sh. Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’
Hon’ble Minister, Human Resources Development
Shastri Bhavan
New Delhi – 110001

Sub: Demand for a UGC Regulation for the One-Time Absorption of temporary and adhoc teachers and other crucial demands of teachers of Delhi University

Dear Shri Pokhriyal,

You would be aware that the teachers of Delhi University have been agitated for a long time over the complete apathy of the University administration as well as the UGC/ MHRD over long pending issues of teachers, especially those concerning the lives of young teachers who have been working in extremely exploitative and precarious conditions for many years and the long overdue promotions under CAS. The immediate crisis that threatened to render thousands of teachers jobless as a result of the 28 August Circular of Delhi University that intended to replace ad-hoc positions with guest appointments against substantive posts resulted in the expression of collective anger of the teachers.

The DUTA welcomes the timely intervention of the MHRD and UGC in meeting the teachers’ representatives to find solutions and the acceptance of some of our key demands through your communication dated 5 December 2019, sent to us on 6 December 2019.

However, it is unfortunate that the MHRD/ UGC did not make any commitment towards the realization of the major demand for a UGC Regulation for the One-Time Absorption of temporary and adhoc teachers on the basis of 200 point DOPT roster. We believe that this is the only way to alleviate the hardships faced by thousands of young teachers who are as qualified as their permanent colleagues and have made immense contribution to the academic and corporate life of the institution. It is extremely unfortunate that these teachers are denied basic rights to live a life of dignity. Women teachers are denied the right to even maternity leave which goes against the principle of natural justice and Court rulings. The recommendations of the NEP that envisage tenure-track appointments will push these teachers’ careers into further uncertainty.

We thank you for extending the provision for counting of past service as per the UGC Regulations 2018 to all pending cases of promotions. However, we wish to bring to your notice that the DUTA has been demanding the counting of total length of service and not only for the first promotion and hope that the UGC would settle this soon through the report of the Anomalies Committee. Further, you may be aware that in Delhi University promotions have been held up for long years and this inordinate delay is cause for deep demoralization amongst a large section of teachers who are deprived of the benefits of any career advancement.

The DUTA has also been demanding that Second Tranche positions of the much delayed OBC Expansion and EWS Expansion be immediately utilized and added to the teaching Roster following DoPT guidelines. In this context, we also demand that the Kale Committee report be adopted and implemented in Delhi University and that the UGC sanctions posts for self-financing courses and absorbs teachers working on these positions.

Moreover, there has been no assurance from you on the DUTA’s demand for withdrawal of the SLP filed against grant of pension to retired teachers and employees, nor on the illegal recovery being made by the DU administration nor on the Supreme Court mandated Stepping Up. The DUTA has also been demanding an end to the constant threat to the service conditions of the teachers of Physical Education in the University.

In this context, the teachers have had no option but to continue the Indefinite Strike to press for the immediate resolution of our demands. The teachers will also march from Mandi House to Parliament Street tomorrow (9 December 2019) at 12 noon to press for these demands.

We hope that you will continue the dialogue initiated with the DUTA on 5 December and find a way to resolve the crisis facing the teachers and students of Delhi University.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely

Rajib Ray
President, DUTA

Rajinder Singh
Secretary, DUTA

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